Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Retirement Holme - 9/26

Anti-Climatic.  No special guests, no surprises, no new songs, no CD giveaway.

It was the last night for Holme at D’Jais this year.

It rained hard just like the first night they played.

This time I wore black.

There was a buffet from Joe Leone’s in Pt. Pleasant (yum).

Joe Lepis was there sans Sarah.

Marissa was there. 

Patty Spychala & friends were there.  (Patty thought it was very nostalgic and worth the drive).  A special thanks to Patty's friend for this week's entry title.

Joel played and sang barefoot.  He was better than he has been in weeks.

At midnight Susan turned 49.  Alexis Krauss had a birthday too but she was a no show.

Marguerite drank all night for free.  She also left wearing a Holme t-shirt.

Like I said – Anti-Climatic.


A word about Bubba -  I received a very nice email from Bubba’s wife, Nancy.  They were married in Washington Square Park 4 years ago.  They have 2 daughters and live in NJ.  Hopefully they’ll come one night to see the band.   Although not a good one, this is my favorite photo of Bubba.