Friday, March 24, 2006

Nothing to Write Holme About - 2/23/06

The crowd was thin at Clancy's.  I got there before Sharon.  At break Peter asked where I have been. I reminded him I had recently seen them at Edgar's.  Joel came over to talk.  Bless his heart he tried hard to make small talk.  I told him Sharon should be arriving any minute and he said "You mean my girlfriend?".  He told me he and Sharon gone to see Alexis sing the night before.  Sharon walked in and the hug & kiss fest began.  Frank was standing near us and he likened them to Kip & Camille in the old days.  I corrected the record and told him Kip & Camille were never like that.  Frank then got his drink & toasted Joel & Sharon with "To Young Love".   Quite a few familiar faces were there including Pete (D'Jais).  Very noticeably missing was the annoying photographer.  I finally got to see Charlie Brown's friend.  I didn't see what the bruhaha was about.  The song list was handwritten, not typed like it usually is.  Brass in Pocket is still my favorite and a crowd favorite.  After it Kip sang Cruel to Be Kind.  Like they say on Idol, he owned it.  Harry now does Secret Agent Man.  Peter invited me to sing in his microphone during Run Around Sue.  Sharon & I really cracked up at this.  People would have fled the bar if I did, although I might have on a Stones song.  I Got Your Number (written on the back of my hand) played during break.  It brought back a ton of memories. I left early.  Before I did I ran into Sementa again.  He was wearing a BRIGHT green tee shirt.  I reminded him how years & years ago he said he could not wear green because of the tint of his skin (and he never did wear it).  He laughed.  It reminded me of the skin cream he used to use on his face.  One of the reasons this entry is so late is because I tried & tried to remember the name of it but couldn't.  I bought it for him once in Macy's Herald Square.  It was expensive & I think it was Swiss.        After I was gone Peter asked Sharon why I left.  Sharon told him it was a school night.  He asked if I worked.  So either I look wealthy or he thinks I make money writing this Blog.  I got home at 1:00.  It was fairly early so I stayed up & watched the eliminations on American Idol.  I then go suckered into watching Skating with Celebrities.  Poor Susan (Rutkowski).  We went ice skating days later.  She fell & broke her elbow & fractured a bone in her arm.  *Thanks for the Joel well wishes.  He's fine & back in the saddle again*