Sunday, October 1, 2006

wholmever - 8/28/06

It was the 1st day of my vacation & Sharon was sleeping over so there was no need to rush to D’Jais.  We arrived around 9:30 & I got my first drink of the night from Justin – a bay breeze.  For my next drink I asked bartender Jen to concoct something fruity for me.  She mixed me up a drink that tasted like cherry cough syrup & 7up.  It wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for.  It was very crowded so we stood under the windows at the far bar.  We saw Lynn there.  The band wasn’t playing & it was too early for a break.  Lynn told me Holme had started but had to stop due to an equipment problem.  They went back on just after we got there.  We moved toward the side of the stage because this woman who had been seated in front of us at the bar whistled very loudly non-stop during an entire song.  This woman will forever be referred to by us as “the annoying whistler”.

Peter Schulle looked sophisticated in a groovy crisp white shirt, perfect hair & comfortable Pumas.  Kip looked like a true rock star.  He wore sunglasses that made him look EXTREMELY SEXY.  I’ve thought of Kip as good looking & at times little boy cute but had never found him sexy UNTIL NOW.  Accessories can be everything.  When he took the sunglasses off I thought he looked tired or suffering with allergies.  But no – later on he told us the reason why he was wearing sunglasses was he had poked himself in the eye.

My next drink was a Heineken.  That’s when we saw Marianne.  She was back and more marvelous.   Her brother John was with her.  He is cute.  Someone picked up my beer & started drinking it so it was back to Justin’s bar for a couple of white russians (i always mix).  Frank came by & said he should have slept with Sharon & I when he had the chance.  We had offered a 3 way ions ago @ a D’Jais Summer Reunion Party @ Hunka Bunka.  I remember it well because we had frolicked in the water in the kiddie pool on the stage & got a flat tire on the way home just before the Outer Bridge.  We were drenched, it was an extremely cold night & we froze waiting for help to arrive. 

Sharon & I took a trip to the ladies room.  Looking around I thought it really needs sprucing up.  One of the things I noticed was the frame around the mirror was pretty rusted & needs replacing.  On our trip back to the bar we were stopped by a woman who recognized us from this Blog.  She told us her name was Joanne & she introduced us to her married friends, Jerry & Susie.  We spoke to Star Ledger Mike for a few minutes.  I think people have begun to recognize him.

We were then hit with a blast from our past.  Re-Re, who we know from Debbie French came over to us.  We hadn’t seen her in about 20 yrs.  She looks the same.  She had heard about D’Jais’ Monday nights & came to check it out.  She couldn’t believe how crowded it was.  She later emailed me that she had a great time & was surprised by how many people she recognized. 

Sharon & I went back to Justin’s bar.  It was at this time that I came down with a bad case of the loose lips & I told him:  1) that if I were 20 yrs younger & skinny I would have sex with him on the bar with everyone watching and to prove my point 2) I told him about some of my wilder Holme moments – sex on the stage in Foxes, dancing naked in Rock Palace & driving through a Parkway toll booth with one of the guys.  In between 1 & 2 his mom came over, introduced herself and her husband, his dad.

Beautiful Barbara pointed out one time that Kip was always pulling up his pants and sure enough he was doing it again.  We saw Joanne & Jerry twisting,  Mrs. C & Teresa were there.  We danced with the Playwright, it was Rolling Stones Jen (the bartender’s) birthday, Holme did Garden State Parkway Boogie & the Big Bopper sang.  We thought the band sounded sooo good & tight but Sharon heard someone say the “sound sucks”.  There was a point during the night when Pete could not hear when playing the harmonica.  However, the problem was rectified right away

At the end of the night Joanne, Susie & Jerry had moved to Justin’s bar.  Frank & I were talking against the wall.  I discussed the condition of the ladies room with him.  He seemed to agree with me that it needed to be addressed & said it would cost too much to totally redo, however, they may spend a couple of thousand dollars on it.  The name Joanne caused me to ask Frank whether “willowy Joanne” had made an appearance to see the band yet.  Frank pointed to “Susie” and said she was Joanne.  Frank knew which Joanne I was inquiring about but I reminded him of a one-sided fist fight &  beer dumping on a new pair of expensive shoes he experienced in the School House.  That Joanne.  But he said no, it was her.  She didn’t look like willowy Joanne to me but I guess it could have been her.  But calling herself Susie?

Outside before leaving we spoke to Harry & Stanley.  Stanley took credit for Midnight Confessions & all of the British invasion music being sung.  I told him I had suggested Confessions to Kip numerous times & it was a good add to the song list.  I let him know that I’ve been appealing to Kip to do I Think I Love You hoping he might bring it to Kip himself.  Chard was behind the snack bar serving.  We shared french fries with the Playwright & his son Eric.

Sharon couldn’t sleep & left at dawn.  I on the other hand stayed in bed until 3pm because every time I tried to get up waves of nausea hit me.  While composing this entry I won a burial plot @ Hollywood Cemetery in Union.  I turned it down & thanked the caller.  Isn’t Union part of the Holme gray area?