Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Take Holme Pay - 8/6/07

There were only a few more weeks to see Holme at D’Jais so Donna & I thought we should get our last licks in.  Marian went with us.  It was crowded.  I wanted something different so I had Bloody Marys.  I find them a good choice.  I can switch to virgin Marys & still feel like I’m drinking. 
Alot of the infamous were missing.  Where are you Marianne?  Barbara? Mike? Marissa?  On the other hand Cowboy Bob, DJ Todd, Mrs. C, The Playwright & my brother were there.  Billy was missing too & there was no substitute guitarist.  I was disappointed Holme hadn’t asked
Puggy to fill in.  Billy was MIA because he was involved in a Bobby Banderia thing.  There were 2 horn men and a bongos-tambourine-cowbell (btc) guy.  I think the btc guy adds greatly to the music.  Everyone else thinks the horn men do.  It was a what you would normally expect Holme night.  The band has added a few more songs to their song compilation.  Stanley does “It’s Not Unusual” and Pete does “Bitch”.  Both are good.  Pete told me he is looking for other songs to do so if there’s any song you think he should do let him know!  DJ Charlie added a song to his playlist too.  He did “I Love Your More Today”.  That song actually made my heart pang when I heard it.  Back in the day Sementa used to sing it to me from the stage.   Looking back now I’m not so sure he was singing it to me directly.   You know the Holme’s golden rule: Make every girl feel like they’re number one.  They really don’t enforce this rule much now but back in the day the concept really worked.  Hundreds of girls followed the band and in turn guys followed the girls into the bars.  As a result, the band brought home bigger “lunch money” for they were paid part, if not all, of the bar cover charge.  The Big Bopper sang (what else) “Chantilly Lace”.  At the end of the night DJ Charlie complied with our request and played “Save the Horse, Ride the Cowboy” for us.   I was surprised more people didn’t dance to it.  And speaking of dancing, I think the Playwright may be very infatuated with his dance partner.   Have you seen him and her on the dance floor lately?    

Love, M

P.S.  Thanks KK for the push.