Thursday, May 22, 2008

Holmework - 9/14/07

Like I've said before, Holme's Friday night gigs are hard for me to get to before the band goes on.  So as I drove to pick up Donna I wrapped my birthday gift for Frank's girlfriend, Teresa.  It was going to be a great night.  Puggy was going to do a few songs with the band & he told me he was going to do Brass In Pocket - my favorite Puggy Holme song - just for me.  When we got to D'Jais we met up with my sister Kathy.   Kathy informed Donna where all the oil slicks were coming into Belmar.  People informed me Puggy was looking for me & I saw him across the bar just before he took the stage.  Stanley had gotten a short haircut that made him look like Elvis Costello so this night there was no mistaking who the real Puggy was.  The 1st song Puggy sang was Brass In Pocket.  I knew he would be fabulous & he was!  He had the words written on paper in his pocket.  Earlier in the evening he told my sister he had written the words down because he knew I'd kill him if he forgot them.  I was disappointed he hadn't dedicated the song to me.  Puggy also sang Pretty Woman (another of his trademark Holme songs) & Sweet Caroline.  They were Puggyrific!  Kathy, Donna & I spoke to Puggy at the snack bar before Holme's last set.  His friend Lynn was with him along with his brother Bobby.   Puggy said he was scheduled to sing Brown Eyed Girl during the last set but was leaving because "only the birds sing for free".  I told him Brass in Pocket was excellent & Sweet Caroline was good too.  He retorted "What do you mean good too?"  Bobby DeRosa agreed Puggy was good but thought the band was off on Brass in Pocket.  Donna declared Puggy was a real showman.  I agreed.  Puggy said he never thought he'd be jamming with Holme this Summer.  He told me his friend Lynn was to his old band, Time Capsule, what I am to Holme.  When I protested about his leaving, he said he was old & has kids.  Alot of people leave D'Jais after Holme's 2nd set.  Is it because they are old & have kids?  We were driving home so I did not drink.  There was no fake beer so I drank virgin Bloody Marys.  The place was packed.  Some of the attendees were:  Beautiful (skinny) Barbara in a sparklie top & shoes, Marissa, Red, Todd, Jamie, Cowboy Bob, Fireman Glen, Roberta & her husband, Mrs. Filkin, Mrs. Conner & Mrs. Morrissey & The Big Bopper.  We happened to learn that Cowboy Bob is a most intelligent man.  Ask to read his business card sometime!   Teresa was celebrating her birthday.  My gift to her was a Lolita Birthday Girl wine glass.   After opening it she immediately (without rinsing it out first) poured her drink into it.  Later Kipp led the bar in singing Happy Birthday to her.    We're always thinking up new D'Jais theme nights between ourselves.  One night at D'Jais Kathy had joked it looked like we were there for Pimp & Ho's Night.   And wouldn't you know, this night Holme handed out Pimp hats & boas & it really did appear to be Pimp & Ho's Night.  I love it when Kipp gets funny on stage.  Just before Holme started their last set of the night he said "Everyone is always complaining - Kipp, get on stage I have work tomorrow!"  This struck me as pretty funny.  I try to make Kipp laugh by writing on a napkin & placing it at his feel.  The note I placed on stage had an arrow pointing toward Stanley & read "Mick, what'd ya do with Keith?"   There are nights when I swear Kipp thinks he's Mick Jagger.  Billy's hair was straightened.  DJ Charlie sang a song & played some good music during the band breaks like Bon Jovi's It's My Life ♥.  Holme did The Break Up Song by the Greg Kihn Band (another song I have pushed for).   Harry's Viva Las Vegas is the new Mony, Mony.   Which makes me wonder, whatever happened to Mony, Mony anyway?  The Big Bopper sang Chantilly Lace & I was surprised to see Teresa knew the words to it.  Fireman Glen was sitting at a table by the ocean bar surrounded by beautiful women.  They were from Staten Island & it turned out Donna knew one of them.   Glen lived in Staten Island before he retired & moved to Brick.   His comment to us was "Can you believe I moved all the way to New Jersey to meet girls from Staten Island?"  He said the Staten Island women had adopted him but he would like to be adopted by Madonna.  It surprised me that Madonna could still be a man's fantasy.   Glen asked where Marian was & when we told him she had stayed home with her dog Lucky he said Marian isn't going to get lucky staying home with Lucky.   The night was living up to my expectation.  We were having a great time.  Kathy & I played the piano with Peter Schuelle when the band did Gloria.  It was Kathy's night.  She met lots of men & she had dirty hair!   She read Holme's song list & told me Build Me Up Buttercup was on it.  I said thanks for ruining my night.  I loathe Buttercup after hearing Holme do it hundreds of times.  I regret doing it now but I actually broke my 45 of Buttercup in front of Kipp one night at Foxes in Jersey City.  At the end of the night I advised Fireman Glen that 2 police cars were parked nearby & he would probably be stopped by one of them when driving away from D'Jais.   Glen quickly decided he would catch a ride with a non-drinking friend who was still in the bar.   His car was parked up against the boardwalk & he asked me to move it a side street so it wouldn't be towed / ticketed in the morning.  So Donna & I go to his car & get in.  It's brand new and big which makes me nervous about driving it.  Before I move it we look for his Insurance Card.  We can't find it & we can't open the glove compartment so Donna goes back into the bar to ask Glen where it is.  She finds him with a new beer in hand.  When she gets back to the car we find the card but then I realize I don't have my Driver's License on me so now we walk to my car to get it.  We get to my car & find I had left the overhead light on all night.   I grab my License & a sweater & we head back to Glen's car.  Now I am even more nervous.  I never drove such a big car, it's new & the Police have watched Donna & I go in & out of D'Jais & in & out of the car a couple of times.  I move it to 19th Ave & suddenly Glen is there directing me.  There is much discussion about how far to pull up in the space.   I manage to park the car without incident.  Donna & I bid farewell to Glen & head home.  Glen heads back into the bar.   I never spoke to Frank Sementa.  By the way, the Big Bopper did not leave after the 2nd set so apparently he isn't as old as Puggy or the the 2nd set departers

P.S.  Aerosmith Concert @ Borgota Casino - 9/22/07

My sister's favorite band is Aerosmith, not Holme.  For her birthday Kathy & I went to see Aerosmith @ the Borgota.  On the way into Atlantic City we saw an IKEA sign that read:  Home (Holme) is the most important place in the world.  Kathy played with Holme last week & this week she sang with Aerosmith.   Joan Jett (a female Glen Burtnik look-a-like) opened for them.  Jett still looks hot.  It was her birthday & Steven Tyler brought out a birthday cake.  Jett was great.  I especially like Bad Reputation & Crimson & Clover.   In fact, I told Joel I though Bad Reputation would be a good song for him to do - it also being tongue-in-cheek.  Of course Aerosmith rocked!  Tyler was his usual great self & Perry, well he was Joe F*ing Perry!