Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Retirement Holme - 9/26

Anti-Climatic.  No special guests, no surprises, no new songs, no CD giveaway.

It was the last night for Holme at D’Jais this year.

It rained hard just like the first night they played.

This time I wore black.

There was a buffet from Joe Leone’s in Pt. Pleasant (yum).

Joe Lepis was there sans Sarah.

Marissa was there. 

Patty Spychala & friends were there.  (Patty thought it was very nostalgic and worth the drive).  A special thanks to Patty's friend for this week's entry title.

Joel played and sang barefoot.  He was better than he has been in weeks.

At midnight Susan turned 49.  Alexis Krauss had a birthday too but she was a no show.

Marguerite drank all night for free.  She also left wearing a Holme t-shirt.

Like I said – Anti-Climatic.


A word about Bubba -  I received a very nice email from Bubba’s wife, Nancy.  They were married in Washington Square Park 4 years ago.  They have 2 daughters and live in NJ.  Hopefully they’ll come one night to see the band.   Although not a good one, this is my favorite photo of Bubba.



Anonymous said...

Just like them, I'm eager to see what you have to say, thanks for the heads up...will check back!
Broken Toe Nail

Anonymous said...

I have been happily following your blog almost all summer.  I was able to attend the show one Monday night before I found your site.  It was great to see the band together again.  I thank you for creating this as it is very entertaining and lets me know what I've missed - or not missed.

I was a Holme follower, too, but never really got very close to the band members during their (first) hayday.  This is what makes your entries so interesting along with what you say currently.  I enjoy reading your posts but at the same time am disappointed as the summer is over, D'Jais is closed and am sorry I will not be seeing any more updates.

So, if I could make a suggestion (which is also a favor), would it be possible to write about any memories, stories, happenings, etc. that you can remember from way back when.  I would love to hear them.  You seem to have known, and know, the band well and there were always so many bad rumours going around about the band, someone who was there can give us a true picture.

I guess I am saying that it is wonderful to see the band together again and, like years ago, can't seem to get enough of them.  Or of this blog!

Please post more and often....


Anonymous said...

please let us know when the band is playing again, because we would like to possibly get there....thanks
Bubba and Nancy