Wednesday, January 11, 2006

HO HO HOLME - 12/22/05

I felt like a kid on Christmas morning.  I was given a roomy 2006 model car with sunroof by the rental company and the first place I headed was to see Holme at Clancy’s.  I arrived a little late.  Sharon was already there and had made friends with Barbara, a very beautiful woman who reads this Blog and who cooked and cleaned for Frank & Kip years ago.  Barbara recognized Sharon from her photo.  I came wearing this year’s Santa hat – red glitter.  I brought live mistletoe with me that I had purchased @ Woolworth’s years ago (sticker still on wrapping & still alive).  I also wore a belt with a battery operated lighted ticker tape like buckle which I programmed to read “Holme for the Holiday”.  The S had been left off because I purchased the belt the day before and had not yet learned how to program it.  It took at least 10 tries just to get it to say that.  I wore the belt backwards with the buckle over my rear-end.   It was a hit but more about it later.

Clancy’s is the ideal bar for multi-taskers.  It is located in a strip mall.  There is a laundromat next to it.  At some point I just know I will do my laundry while seeing Holme.  There is also a pizza joint & a Krausers.  Both close early but you can grab something to eat & load up on gum & condoms beforehand.  It is also one of those bars with a liquor store attached with entry through the bar so you always have the opportunity of purchasing package goods and continuing your party afterwards at home.  Clancy’s also serves food and there are booths for eating or private moments.  It’s tight inside with only enough space for 3 couples to dance.  The stage butts up against the bar in one corner so you cannot completely circle the bar or pass in front of the band.

The lineup was different at Clancy’s probably for technical reasons.  From left to right it was Billy, Harry, Kip, Joel & Peter with Frank in back.  Actually it was backwards.  Frank was using a different drum set – his blue one.

Sharon & I stood with Barbara on Peter’s side.  Sharon had purchased rhinestone letters to spell HO HO HO (as in Santa’s laugh not his thought) which she wore on a black strap around her neck.  It was a great necklace. To set the mood Holme handed out Santa hats, Reindeer Antler headbands and Christmas tree hats to the crowd.  The Christmas tree ones were the most popular.  The only band member to wear a hat was Peter,a Christmas tree.  Kip said his head was too big for a hat and someone said Billy’s head was huge.  These comments got our attention!

The band sang 4 Christmas songs:

Blue Christmas – Harry

Jingle Bell Rock

Rocking Around the Christmas Tree – Kip

Run, Run, Rudolph – Harry

There is a small TV screen on the wall behind the band.  I think Clancy’s should play the “Yule Log” on the screen during the holidays.  D’Jais should too on their Christmas theme night.

Honky Tonk Women has been added to the songlist.  As a way back Stones freak I was thrilled but wish they’d chosen a less mainstream tune like Monkey Man or Its Only Rock & Roll.

Speaking of Stones tunes it is a pleasure watching Kip play.  To think he was the holdback in reuniting the band (because he thought his playing was not what it had been).  When he plays Gimme Shelter you can see how into playing he is and he plays so seriously!  He played so hard he put his foot up on the bar presumably to steady himself.  They’re also now doing “Tired of Towing the Line” – an old Kip favorite which sounds like it was written for him.

Back to the belt… remember I was wearing it backwards…. I had taken a few photos during the night and Peter took my camera and photographed my buckle and my fat rear-end.  Chard said the funniest thing to me at the end of the night.  He came up behind me and said “I see your landing lights are on”.  Sharon & I were cracking up.

I recently received an email from Howie Stein telling me he is alive and well and has been to see the current Holme.  So now it’s just Debbie French, Maureen Maureen, Kathy Moore, Geralyn Guerra & Phyllis Fox who haven’t been.  Oh yeah, and Puggy.

Happy New Year.  Love, M.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd love to see some pictures posted if you have them.

Anonymous said...

Hello- Must tell you this blog was not your best.  First of all, where are the pictures!?!  Also- no info on the Joel/Sharon romance, did they break up?, and not enough info on who else was there. What happenned to the big secret?
You can do better!
P.S.  How come you don't have a car.

Anonymous said...


"Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you"...

"Stop it!"

Your comments really upset me. I am certain others feel the same. I respond for myself, but I am sure that others do share and support  my following comments:

We were never promised pictures! Pictures are rewards...bonus' to the faithfull that attend. Bonus' to the faithful that can't make it there but experience the time through this blog! We do not complain. We appreciate the time and the energy put into this blog--it keeps those of us that want to attend-but can't, informed.

Have you been there with us since June 2005?

Thank you Michele, for all the love, energy and efforts you have given to this blog/us--We know what your intentions were when you began this. Keep true to those intentions, keep the humor, please.


My advice to you is this:

Find yourself "a rock and roll band that needs a helpin’ hand"...
and create your own blog.