Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Joel & Alexis News - 2 B Titled Later - 1/28/06

Edgar’s – Sea Girt or Manasquan?  We debated it with Bill our cab driver.  I’d never been but Camille remembered being there to see the Intoxicados with Kathy Moore.  It was extremely crowded.  There was only 1 bar.  Sharon knew what to expect but the rest of us were extremely disappointed that is until Kathy maneuvered us to the other side of the room and the drinks kicked in.

Some of the band looked high.  Billy cut his hair.  Tommy the horn player was back.  He may never have left but I hadn’t seen him play with Holme for awhile.  Joel looked angry.

We were celebrating Camille’s birthday and we were out to have a really good time.  Sharon was dressed like a biker chick in a “I ♥ Rock N’ Roll guinea tee & leather vest, Kathy wore her very sparkly Aerosmith logo long sleeve tee, I was dressed like Kip – white school blouse (rhinestone buttons) black velvet pants & Camille wore a low cut brown lace top (against her better judgment).  It was the first time Camille exposed her boobs to us or the public since we’ve known her and I’m talking back to 2nd grade!

No one but me knew it was Donna Rocco night at Edgars.  An ex, an almost & a could have been were there.  Also making an appearance that night were Marissa & her friend Kathy, Joe & Sarah Lepis, Pete (a former manager of D’Jais & Hunka Bunka), the Annoying Photographer,Theresa & Alexis.

Alexis looked and sounded the best we’ve seen her.  I’ve heard she is going to appear in a Starburst commercial to be aired during the MTV Movie Awards.  Harry was more animated this time when he sang Pump It Up.  Joel lost his angry look after hooking up with Sharon during break but was mean to Billy & me & god knows who else.  He had been drinking.  Frank ended the night with a fabulous drum solo of Rock & Roll.   He played his blue drums which I guess are his on the road drums.  Kip commented on the high heels Camille was wearing only he didn’t realize she wasn’t – she was wearing cowboy boots.  I stole one of Billy’s guitar picks at the end of the night.

I emailed Kip via Holmeband.com to tell him they should only be playing 2+ bar bars, not these smaller clubs.  Does anyone know if any of the clubs they used to play still exist?  Or can you suggest a club for them to play?  I know Kip & Frank would be interested in hearing about them – old & new.  While waiting for our cab in the parking lot Kip came over & guessed that Camille was 43.  That made Camille happy – she’s 47.

Bill sent another cab company to pick us up.  On the way back we stopped at the Princess Maria Diner.   It’s the law in NJ - you must stop to eat if you’ve been clubbing & drinking.    Bill our regular driver came by while we were eating to check on us.  When asked how he knew we were there he said he thought he’d find the princesses inside the Princess Diner.   The diner had good coffee.

We got back to the hotel around 3:00 & were getting ready for bed when Camille & I got a call from Kathy.  She called to tell us the people in the room next to hers were watching porn & she could hear every word clearly.  I promptly instructed Camille to call the front desk to let them know they had mixed up Kathy’s & Sharon’s rooms.  Camille reminded Kathy that she had an end room and therefore the porn was coming from somewhere else.  Kathy then realized it was coming from her TV.  The TV was turned off; the radio had obviously been set to porn on a timer.  It was so funny and a great joke even more so that it happened to Kathy!

Joel underwent a surgical procedure today so please keep him in your thoughts.  He reads this Blog so you can send him a message by leaving a Comment.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping this blog going...I very much enjoy checking in and reading it! Prayers sent for Joel and I hope it was not too serious a medical issue. Although he doesn't know me - prayers are prayers - he is quite the talent - a very good singer/performer! I truly hope to see you one day & get to know who you are...sounds like you girls have lots of fun together while watching the band...yadda yadda....

Anonymous said...

Dear Joel- You know I am wishing for a speedy recovery, don't want to be without you too long. Your special friend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joel,

Yes do get better as quickly as you can.

Another special friend.....kiss


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you have updated - been chomping at the bit waiting for another entry!  Love the pictures!

Hope Joel is doing well and will be back with the band soon.

Speaking of Joel, which "special friend" commenting is Sharon?

Write again soon, love to hear your stories.
