Sunday, May 14, 2006

Holme Opener - 5/6/06

I arrived around 9:00.  I knew it was crowded before I walked in because I had to park 3 blocks away.  I used my courtesy card a/k/a VIP card at the door.

Nearly all of the famous were there.  It appears the party dragnet had been cast.  There were the boys - Red, Playwright, Star Ledger Mike & his friends.  The Staff - Jen, Ashton, Charlie, Bill, the Annoying Photographer, Pete (xmgr) AJ (Clancys).  The Diehards - Beautiful Barbara, Marissa, Cathy, Marianne, Howie Stein.  The Gueststars - Sean Schulle, Bobby Banderia.  The Family - Mrs. Conner, Aunt Pat, Theresa Sementa, Gail Sementa.  Us - Kathy, Sharon, Charlotte & her husband Mike, Jane & Mike’s relatives Holly & Ricky.  Just to name a few.

It was D’Jais opening day & 1st smoke free day. 

I miss Joel big time.  The consensus seems to be Chris Daughtry looks like Joel.  Kathy thinks we may have the beginnings of a Holme tribute band – Chris Daughtry as Joel & Stanley as Puggy.  Was it coincidence that Holme did Suspicious Minds during Elvis week on Idol?  They have performed the song in the past but not for awhile.  Stanley sang Chris Isaak’s Wicked.   I could see him singing Brian Ferry/Roxy Music.  Holme has also added the Rolling Stones’ The Last Time to their repertoire.  They keep missing the boat on the Stones. They’ve lost sight of the fact that they kick ass on the hardcore stuff (Sympathy & Gimme Shelter) and as such should be doing Monkey Man & the like.  I guess I should just be happy they’re not doing Emotional Rescue (yet). 

Bobby Banderia arrived during their 1st set.  Stardom has been good for him.  He’s never looked so great.  Not even 25 years ago.   He offered to buy me a drink & let me take photos.  He asked where Kathy was & for gum.  I declined his offer.  When his drink came he said it was a big drink & that it had a big straw.  He also said the bar was packed.  I found Kathy.  I knew she’d have gum for him & she did.  She told him she had seen  him with Bon Jovi when they played @ Continental Arena in Dec. & had tried to get his attention but apparently he didn’t see her.  He asked her “Did you try & throw your panties on stage?”  Kathy said he was funny in his usual way.  

Later poor Bobby had to play I’m a Believer and poor Michele had to listen to him play Mustang Sally.

When Harry did Wully Bully Sharon said it was Harry Gone Wild.  Charlie the dj sang My Girl.
Beautiful Barbara pointed out to me that Kip was pulling his pants up the whole night.   The words were not even out of her mouth when I saw him do it!  Barbara brought up Peter Gagen.   Both of our brains were foggy about him.  In the end we thought he was the drummer in Cats.  Someone please correct us if we’re wrong.  By the way, Barbara’s husband’s band
Jersey Central will be playing the Columns next Saturday – 5/20.  Camille & I used to see Jersey Central before we ever saw Holme.  

The sax player du jour was a Sopranos look a like.  Steverino must have had a gig with his band Celebration.  How can we bond when he’s only there ½ the time?

Ashton’s now running the food concession @ D’Jais.  He told me all of his ex-girlfriends were vegetarians.  I’m hoping they’ll be some new items on the menu for vegetarian me.  He’s very excited about the menu he’s chosen for Friday afternoon buffet.  I had my favorite D’Jais food – French fries (crinkle) with mustard & ketchup.

Sharon & I left around 12:00.  My left foot was swollen & I was really tired from Susan’s wedding festivities.  She tied the knot on Cinco DeMayo.  I was Maid of Honor.  Kathy & I had contemplated not going to D’Jais because we were so tired.  In the end Kathy was really glad she dragged herself out and I was too.  Sharon & I stopped @ Dunkin Donuts before heading home. I had astrawberry frosted.  Sharon had a variety of kinds.  Lastly, I wanted to update you on Marianne.  She sprained her ankle at Bar-A last month – dancing I assume - and had to use crutches the first couple of days of her vacation. 

Love, M

P.S.  Everyone's been weighing in about how Kip spells his name.  It's 2 p's on the Holme website.  But apparently Kip was a big letter writer 25 yrs ago and signed his letters with only 1 p.  This wouldn't even be an issue if he used his given name!  It's never spelled with 2 s's!

And I assume Sean Schulle played with the band their last set. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened to Joel?