Sunday, July 16, 2006

Holme Invasion - 5/29/06

First things first.  Joel-Joel-Joel-Joel-Joel. He’s all anyone wants to talk about.  I don’t know what the band will tell you but I can tell you he’s working on a life goal.  He has forsaken all others.  That’s what you do.  Remember, love is patient; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things & endures all things.   Let’s all just let Joel be please.  This includes you too Steverino.

Okay, so it’s Memorial Day Monday.  Sharon & I parked on 19th. When we turned onto Ocean we saw a small crowd outside D’Jais’ entrance.  The 1st person we ran into was Steverino.  He told us it was packed inside.  The next person we came upon was D’Jais Pete.  I kissed him hello.  Since it appeared there was a line to get in & it was crowded inside I went over to Frank waved my hand and said “get us right in”.  He in turned & yelled to the person at the door, waived his hand and told them to “get us right in”.  And so the joke was on us when it turned out there was really no line and it was empty inside.  Well empty by 1980’s, 1990’s standards.

It turns out the people in the bar were the 20 yr. olds left over from happy hour.

Holme had advertised a 7:00 start time which as you know in Holme speak meant 8:00.

P. Conner, Kip’s daughter & T. Sementa were there.  I told Sharon I don’t like Frank’s blue drums because you play blue drums in your high school band – not on stage.  I wonder what happened to the beautiful ones he played last summer.  The 20 yr. olds were still there when the band went on.  The 1st song sung was Twist & Shout.  The kids danced to it probably because they knew it from wedding receptions.  Then it was Badfinger. Next the Monkee’s I’m a Believer which the kids know from seeing Brian Kirk.  After that it was Glory Days.  Their parents played Bruce all the time when they were growing up.  At this point there was trouble with a piece of equipment on stage.  I don’t know what the thing was for but it looked like something out of Star Trek and my thought was Holme almost lost contact with their mothership.  Kip then sang Runaway which the caused the kids to look dazed & confused.  Right after this song the dance floor belonged to the older crowd.  The kids that were still around went wild at Holme’s next tune, Bo Bice’s “Sweet Home Alabama”.  A lot of drinks were dropped & the floor was very wet.  We heard Satisfaction, Should I Stay, American Girl.  I met Pels from this blog.  She introduced herself & I was sorry I didn’t say more & didn’t bring my camera.  I left it at home because I didn’t want to become the annoying photographer myself.  During break some kid said the band was no good.  I thought he should only know his mom probably laid one of the guys in the band.  Faux Puggy (FP) played the opening cords to Devo’s Girl U Want.  It sounded good & I got excited.  Unfortunately it was not on the songlist.  Stanley was only playing with our heads.  DJ Charlie did the only song he knows (or is allowed to sing?).  Kip said everyone there was multi-talented.  The moldie oldies continued: Runaround Sue, 867-5309 (FP), Suspious Minds, Mustang Sally, Pretty Woman, Willy Bully.

Break was interesting.  Sharon & I hung out at the snack bar & I loaded up on french fries with mustard.  Sementa turned me onto the mustard.  We met a guy named Mike, a drummer who had been in Bystander and was now under contract to play on Broadway in Jersey Boys.  Harry joined us & we learned that Mike had been in an original band with him before Cats on A Smooth Surface was formed.  Make Note: Harry says D’Jais’ has the best coffee.  We then met Roberta also from this blog.  She was very complimentary to me & too kind.  The Playwright (from Donna Rocco night) seemed to know her and joined us.  He was extremely funny.  He did not seem to know of this blog.  He should only know he asked my friend out once & I have referred to him a couple of times on this blog over the past year.  Everyone dissipated & Sharon & I wandered down to the parking lot.  We saw Chard carrying a small black case & inquired of it.  He said he was going to join the band when they sang The Rolling Stones’ Ruby Tuesday.  I was intrigued.  In 1970 it was one of my favorite songs.  Believe it or not Chard did partake and he played the flute piece!

Later when Sharon & I were leaving to go home we saw Chard sitting by the parking lot cleaning his flute.  We told him how good he was, the song was.  At this time Theresa joined us.  Chard told us he was listening to classical music by Scarlatti  & heard the piece Brian Jones had lifted & used in Ruby Tuesday.   In conversation Theresa mentioned my house around the corner.  Chard seemed surprised I have a house close by.  For the past 3 yrs. he’s seen me around D’Jais almost every weekend May-October.  Did he really think I drove to Belmar Mondays & weekends?  Anyway he said he was going to drop by for a drink.  I told him I had a great veranda to have drinks on & I invited Theresa to come by anytime for one too.

After Sharon & I left I wondered whether Theresa had thought Brian Jones had been a former member of Holme…

I hope you enjoy these few photos of Holme memorabilia.

Love, M.



Anonymous said...

M !! Check that number babe !! It's 867-5309 ----and you don't need to include the area code either !!  :)  Excellent reporting as usual !  See you soon -- Toto -- there's no place like Holme !


Anonymous said...

It is FINALLY so good to see you write about your Holme experiences again!  We have been waiting so long!

I had the pleasure of attending one of the Monday night events at D'Jais, had a great time and danced my feet off.  I was hoping you were there to meet you but soon found that, after reading your blog, you were boycotting.

I gotta tell ya -- end the boycott, put out the torch you have been carrying and get back to having fun!

Although you wanted Holme to play on July 3rd, I could not see them doing it.  D'Jais is one of the most popular bars of the shore and basically caters to the younger crowd.  How many 40 and 50 year olds do you see renting houses and populating the bars like we did in our 20's?  These kids are their bread and butter.  They don't want to see a local bar band on a 4-day-holiday weekend that was popular BEFORE they were BORN.  If I owned D'Jais I would not do anything but make them feel welcome to spend their money on that weekend.

From what I have read you have a house around the corner from D'Jais, have the ability to go there on Mondays, have this blog and a pretty large following of readers.  Don't let us down, get back in that bar and let us know what is going on.  Since many of us can't make it on Mondays we count on you.  You are our lifeline.  GOOOOO!

(Just a little pep talk)  Waiting for your next entry......

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected.  That's what you get when I wirte at 1:00 in the morning.  You weren't suppose to read this entry.  I still have to name it.