Friday, July 28, 2006

Holmecoming Dance - 6/19/06

This entry is short, uneventful & contains virtually no mention of the band because I did not jot down any notes during the night.  You see, our friend Maureen finally made an appearance at D'Jais.  Like everyone else she used to go see Holme back in the day.  Maureen had a classic punk rock look then & still does to some degree.  She was known for licking eyeballs & writing funny letters to us.  The letters were quirky stories involving people we knew & sometimes had Holme characters in them.  She grew up in Jersey City & is Camille's cousin.  Her Holme claim to fame was kissing Bobby.  I hadn't seen Maureen for a few years.  She & her friend Ilona were already having a drink at Justin's bar when Susan & I walked in.  Justin saw us & asked where I have been.  He said it was about a month since they'd last seen me.  It was actually only 2 weeks but you know how screwed up time is in Holme speak.  Steverino blew us kisses.  Later I told him not to call Joel with job offers anymore and from stage he pretended to erase Joel's number from his cell phone.  Sharon & Kathy - who has the longest ride of all of us - showed up shortly after we did & my brother walked in too.  He was a very funny guy before he made the worst mistake of his life.  He was the resident DJ at the Showboat (later called Pyramids) in Jersey City.  We loved going there because David would always play all of our favorite disco tunes for us.  I had a glimpse of the old David when he said to Maureen - I left my girlfriend home why didn't you?  We had always danced with Maureen when Holme played the Ramones so I asked Kip to play I Wanna Be Sedated & dedicate it to her.  When the band began to play it we immediately headed to the dance floor.  It's funny how girls always do that.  No matter where they are in the bar when the band or DJ begins to play "their song" they instantly stop what they're doing and make their way to the dance floor.   In checking with Sharon, Kathy & Susan none of them could remember anything having to do with band that night.  The only interesting tidbit Susan was able to offer up was it was the 3rd time she brought an umbrella toD'Jais and the 1st time she went home with one.  Love, M  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes M -- you are right again -- in "Holme speak" time is somewhat warped -- so in "Holme time" -- that makes us about 27 !!  Yeah it does !  Nice reporting, see you soon !  B