Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Who Says You Can't Go Holme? - 7/17/06

I could not be bought with food.  It took the big guns – Bobby & Puggy plus nudging from my sister & Camille being on vacation down the shore to quickly end my boycotting of Holme.  It was very crowded. It seemed the entire fan base was there.  I wasn’t sure Puggy would really show & when I arrived at D’Jais Marisa told me he had just been there with his daughter & had left.  I have very mixed feelings about Puggy & am very guarded around him but I still felt a little let down.

Kip introduced Bobby by telling the crowd he was an original member of Holme & is now a member of Bon Jovi & would be playing Giants Stadium the next night.  Bobby then said “but it won’t be anything like this”.  Everyone laughed.  Kip said they had learned a new song & had practiced all day.  The band then went into Neil Young’s “Like A Hurricane”.   It’s my favorite song that Bobby does & Holme played it excellently!  I wish they could continue to play it.  Like I said Marisa was there & she had a new fabuuuulous hairdo.  Joe & Sarah Lepis came.  Then Puggy appeared.  We kissed, we chatted, we went to the side of the stage.  I told him he had to do Brass in Pocket.  It had been one of his signature songs when he was in the band (another being Pretty Woman).  He said he couldn’t because he didn’t know the words.  Unthinkable!  I offered to write the words down for him but he was not interested.  I encouraged him to tongue Bobby like he used to in the old days & when he went on stage he tried to but Bobby wasn’t having it.  Puggy sang 2 songs – Brown Eyed Girl & Satisfaction.  Like Puggy we’re from Jersey City so we loved it when he changed the words in B.E.G. from “behind the stadium with you” to “behind Roosevelt Stadium with you”.  I didn’t notice but Sharon said Puggy forgot the words to Satisfaction & that Kip had tried to help him but it was futile.  When he left the stage he came by & told me he was working on a CD of Neil Diamond songs - again Unthinkable! – and to email him.  Later Joe Lepis said to me that Puggy should have done Brass in Pocket.  This night Bobby didn't mingle with masses.  Oh and I almost forgot, Kevin Cavanaugh played with the band.  Chard seemed to be digging Kathy K.  She told him how we saw his twin last week at the Columns & he said “poor guy”.  We went outside for food during a break.  Take note – don’t order the pretzels.  More often than not they’re as hard as rocks.  Kip came through the snack bar & asked for Camille (who was in the ladies room at the time).  He said he wanted to tease her about how she used to like Richard Gere.  I informed him she still does.  Camille returned. She was very tan.  Frank came by touched her arm & said she was burned.  Frank has forever been very anti sun & he started to tell Camille how bad taking the sun is when I reminded him that cigarettes & drinking were also bad for you.  He said he’d quit smoking around Christmas & told us a story of why he quit.  If you know Frank you know that I am being grammatically correct when I say “a” story.  Anyhoo, it had to do with Belmar’s Mayor Pringle explaining addiction to him.  Kip called Frank back into the bar to play & we were all left perplexed by Frank’s story.  None of us really got it.  Needless to say I was extremely happy that Frank quit smoking.

Love, M.


Wait - One last thing - Frank & Kip bought D’Jais with Holme money.  My friends and I sometimes went to see Holme 4 nights a week to places as far away as Ship Bottom (Joe Pop’s) and Randolph (Final Exam) and we paid to see them.  After Holme disbanded we went to D’Jais 3-4 times a week.  Lots of their fans did the same thing.   The Holme fan base was their bread & butter back then & had it not been for their fans Frank & Kip could well have ended up on welfare.


Anonymous said...

Puggy e-mailed me that he had a "blast" playing with Holme again. I just sent him some OLD photos of Holme which he also loved. I told him that I was coming in September and hope to see him and Bobby play with Holme-like the old days. When, I get the dates we will be --down the shore-I will find out about Danny and Mark being there too. It would be great to see all of Holme again! I can't wait! I have my old Holmefrie shirts and they still fit!! I have a Holme Maid shirt that Frankie gave me years ago--that I never wore outside of my house. I have two photo albums of Holme and Bobby! May even move home--so yes-Who Says You Can't Go Home!!!!!
Pattie Holmefrie Church

Anonymous said...

I am delighted to hear Frank quit smoking! He's my pal from the band and I've bugged him about this bad habit just about every time I've stopped in D'Jais over the years. GREAT news!  Can't wait to tell him I'm proud of him, and give him a big kiss! Good going Frank!