Saturday, November 18, 2006


The following entry was written by guest Blogger, Beautiful Barbara*. I didn’t attend this night.  I was still reeling over Sementhead’s tirade. 


Another perfect party night !  It was my birthday..........I got there with bells on during the 2nd set and could not believe how jammed the place was.   Does food really have that effect on people?  I missed the buffet - but it must have been good!  Serve food and they will come !!  Everyone  looked so good too, including our cute bartender wearing a top that reminded my husband Bob to tell me to "pick up melons" this weekend.........ya think?? 
Anyway......almost all the usual suspects were there, MIA - Sharon and Michele, Marisa ................... And yes, another very familiar face in the shadows caught my attention and  I couldn't figure out who it was at first -- then it hit me!!  It was Karen Krauss -- she looked better than I remembered from over 20+ years ago !!!  You never  know who will show up at Planet Holme !
I meet alot of people and they tell me their names but I admit it -- I can't hear what they are saying sometimes, thus, I don't know your name !!   It's the loud music.  Do that for 25 years and you'll be doing sign language too !  I was having a great time.  We said hello to Teresa and Mrs. Conner.  Later Teresa brought me my birthday shot - watermelon -- yum !  She's adorable -- it was great.  Kip segwayed  to "Audience Participation" and we were treated with a song by The Big Bopper then DJ  Charlie sang "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"  -- he nailed it !!  The group  accompanied with many "a winga weta winga weta's" -- or whatever those sounded great !  A little later, it was Jersey  Central Bob's turn to sit in and play drums.  In my own little world,  history was being made -- my entire rock n roll life went totally full circle, seeing my husband play drums with HOLME !  Talk about a time warp !  A nice rockin' rendition of Stone's "Start Me Up".  My life was complete for the moment..........Oh, and MIA Peter Schulle arrived in time to sing that song  -- he had a Cats gig to do - but he came to D'Jais and Kip put him to work  STAT !  It all got better from there --- everyone was dancing and having a great time.  Kip was wringing wet - soaked hair and shirt.  He came back for the 3rd set all dry and wearing a new shirt.  Stan went totally rock and roll when he broke a guitar string..........and hewas looking quite "Puggylicious" in his tight black rock n roll leather pants and white shirt!  Holme really cranks it up with all those Rolling Stones  tunes --- it was intoxicating and all I had was that little shot..........later Bob told me that Frank plays drums with the "other end" of the sticks !  It's a choice, you know - that's what drummers do!   When he was getting ready to play -- he searched for sticks and found some that looked like beavers or termites got to.........then he found the "good ones".  He said "do you think Holme can get some more guitar players up there" !!  I had the best time -- I went Holme for my Birthday !

*Barbara worked for Frank & Kip personally back in the day.  I nicknamed her Beautiful because of her inner & outter beauty.   She is a quick wit and very creative.  I enjoy each & every one of her emails.   Thanks Barbara!


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