Thursday, April 26, 2007

Puggy DeRosa - Bobby's Not The Only One Singing About Caroline.

Puggy DeRosa will be performing Neil Diamond on Weds. May 16 @ Filomena Cucina Restaurant in Berlin, NJ.  It's a dinner show.  Advance tickets are $49.95 a person (tax & gratuity included).  Seats are limited.  For info call: 856-753-3540.    Following is our Instant Message conversations of April 18th & 22nd.  In order to be able to post the IM I had to delete our last names & date stamps.   All other wording remains untouched.   I thought you might find our conversation interesting and I wanted you to see how excited Puggy is about the show.   If you'd like to hear Puggy singing Neil Diamond, email me and I send you a tune.  Unfortunately I was unable post his music as a link on this Blog.  Love, M.

April 18, 2007

puggy: hey mish did ya get the neil show thing? 

Michele: Yes. I am going to post the info on my blog this weekend. I don't know if I will be able to make it. You are playing on a school night. I hope you do more dates! 

puggy: the show just got sold out in 2 weeks   

Michele: WOW. Add a date! I'd really like to see you play. 

puggy: very excited i should tell kip and frank we should do it at djais one night this summer

Michele: Yes. That would be a great idea.

puggy: post it and it is a great show

puggy: dinner w/ diamond puggy: i gotta fit into the leather pants tho

Michele: You should approach Frank & Kip - and soon.

puggy: u can help me

Michele: If they won't do it, try the Columns maybe.

puggy: i`ll drop kip a line bout it

Michele: There are lots of venues that would probably be interested in the show.

puggy: did i send ya a clip from the cd???

puggy: or the flyer????

Michele: Yes! And I think I can post it on my blog too. NO flyer though. Send me that too.

puggy: right now Michele: How are kids and everything else?

puggy: really great baseball season in effect dylan babe ruth carly softball

Michele: Do your parents still have Belmar house? If so, do you go much? puggy: every thurs and fri

Michele: I'll look for you if I'm down those days.

puggy: k sending flyer

Michele: I'll look wait a minute.

Michele: Hasn't come yet.

Michele: Not yet. Maybe graphics are holding it up.

puggy: sent it now Michele: It came. Carly did a great job!

puggy: i know

puggy: very excited bout the project trying to fit into leather pants for the show lol

Michele: lol.

Michele: I have to go. I was doing something when I got your IM. Please let me know if you book anymore dates. I'm glad you're sold out but upset too. I was hoping to make it.

puggy: tell the boys bout it k?

Michele: I sure will but I don't think I'll be seeing them again until Friday, 5/18 at D'Jais opening party. Holme's playing.

Michele: They're playing Bar-A this Friday and the Columns on Sat 5/5.

puggy: wish i lived closer i should be in the band huh?

Michele: yes instead of that fake Puggy they have now.

puggy: ur the best puggy agent lol

puggy: maybe i will showw up again only this time i WILL do brass in pocket 4 u

Michele: Sorry, I was writing an email & didn't realize your wrote (my sound is off)

puggy: i said i will jam w/ holme tis summer and do brass in pocket 4 u

puggy: promise:-)

puggy: when ya post my info e-mail me

Michele: I hope so. It was your best although I think most people would say Pretty Woman was.

Michele: Plus Holme used to do Brass so they already know it.

puggy: i thought everyone thought joel did it better??? lol

puggy: is she really going out w/ him is the 1 i miss

Michele: Joel did it well but you did it originally and originals are usually the best versions.

Michele: I thought Graylick did that song. You did?

puggy: i did can`t believe u don`t remember me in white or red capezios doing that song lol

puggy: danny was the best w/ shattered

Michele: EVERYONE had capezios back then. Even me. Even Kip I think.

Michele: Never Liked Shattered. Liked Graylick's Sweet Jane & Billy Joel.

puggy: u bought me mine lol i remember

Michele: I would never do that now. I am a card carrying member of PETA and don't wear leather.

puggy: danny was good stood next to him all the time i was w/ HOLME

puggy: he was a crazy man and partied w/ him after hrs

puggy: i luved him puggy: strip poker was his thing after gigs

puggy: gtg zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc soon say hello to the boys 4 me

Michele: he's still alive you know. He found and read my Blog & wrote me once. I was hoping he'd show up at D'Jais one night. I hope he played strip poker with women!

Michele: Goodnight.

April 22, 2007

Michele: Pugster, Can you send me Diamond song as a link? I can't figure out how to post in on my Blog as it. puggy: yeah mish i`ll send it via e-mail

puggy: u got the flyer right???

Michele: You sent by email last time but it came as an attachment. I need it to come as a link.

Michele: yes

puggy: dunno how to do the link thing:-( puggy: we are prob adding a 2nd show the mon after may 21 

Michele: good!

Michele: how big is the venue? puggy: tell me bout the link thing?/

puggy: 75ppl

Michele: I don't know how you would do it. I had hoped you knew. I will have to ask people at work. Computer savey people.

puggy: why can`t ya do it w/ the attachment?

Michele:Are you solo or do you have other muscians playing with you? How long is the show?

Michele: The Blog only allows me to add photos so I have to copy and paste the link within the body of my "letter" Michele: Your diamond song just starting playing on my computer!

puggy: its a 1 man show but i have a great light man and sound man has great trax sounds like i`m jammin w/ neils band

puggy: 1 1/2 hr show

puggy: which one?

puggy: 4 course dinner first

Michele: play me puggy: its a great song

Michele: it is

puggy: very sexy as danny would say lol

Michele: funny. why do you have danny so on your mind?

puggy: can ya do the blog and let holme freaks know bout what i`m doing without a song ??

puggy: stood next to him all the yr i played and always thought how talented he was

Michele: I was trying to when you signed on. I'll post the minute I figure out how to get the song on the blog too. puggy: i miss those days:-(

Michele: we all do.. very much.

puggy: do ya want me to send ya another song????

Michele: i would love it. you're the only saved music I have on this computer.

puggy: don`t remember how many i sent ya........senior moment lol

Michele: only one. play me. puggy: k stay onawhile

Michele: I'll be working on my blog. puggy: it will take bout 15 mins to upload puggy: just sent 1

Michele: okay. which one?

puggy: love on the rox

Michele: i know I know it but I can't remember it. senior moment lol

puggy: u will when ya hear it puggy: lol

puggy: ;-)

Michele: Puggy, is there a website that you download your music from?

puggy: don`t have one yet duh

Michele: I thought if you did I could get a link of your music from it.

puggy: ?????????? no

puggy: u should have gotten it by now let me know how ya like it

Michele: let me check

Michele: i got it but it says it will take 11 minutes to "transfer"

puggy: k worth the wait

puggy: i`ll be here

Michele: ok

Michele: puggy. i don't think you sent me diamond. you sent live verson of "these dreams of you so real & so true"

puggy: no way i never did that song???????????

Michele: i know it's not you singing! I'm going to email you back to you. listen to it. I know the singer I just can't think of who it is right now.

puggy: its a van song but how u got i i don`t know

Michele: yes it is van morrison!

puggy: very strange

puggy: oh well

Michele: i'm trying to send it back to you. hold on.

puggy: just sent ya hello again maybe that will be one u can hear

Michele: I have 7 mins to go on love on rox. After than I have to go to sleep. will listen to hello again tomorrow. promise.

puggy: k nighty night puggy signed off at 12:15 AM


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