Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Holme Revisited - 6/7

They played quite a few of our songs including Build Me Up!  I was actually surprised that Joel & Harry participated (agreed to do) some of the Holme classics like The Wanderer. Kip and Frank participated BIG TIME.  Once Kip got going he was really into it and I never heard him sing so good (strong, loud & with such feeling).  They all had smiles on a mile wide. There was one table of Holme / Cats groupies that Frank said I should be sitting with but you know me I never recognize faces.  Joel's daughter Alexis (in her 20's) got up and sang 2 songs with them.    They were telling everyone to go home & tell 10 friends about it so they would have a bigger crowd this Monday.  The shore was so empty this past weekend that Kathy & I were both able to park in front of the house and in front of D'Jais during happy hour.  I say this because it was really dead on Ocean Ave but you must remember that it was Thunderstorming & pouring so very few people ventured out.   They did not begin playing until 9:45 and 1/3 the bar left before midnight (work the next day?).  I met some really nice and cute young guys (23 yrs old) who conversed with me most of the night and I made a new bartender friend (Erin). I would recommend seeing them before it gets better / bigger because they are just all so happy and joking and friendly and loose.  

P.S.  Do you remember I always used to sing I'm in Heaven after I got home after seeing Holme?


Anonymous said...

Oh my God.  I will definitely come. But, am I allowed to sleepover at your shore house.  We know Maureen Moore will drink too much.  I will have to come when David is not there or I may try to "do him"  --- Just thought I'd make you laugh. I am so excited about this and hope we can go when my sis is here!!!
If not. I will be there one nite.  I trust that if I show up on a Monday - you will be there.  Are there any Mondays you know you won't be there?  I would not want to be there alone since it's been "years" and Bobby wasn't mentioned!!!
Maureen - 6/7

Anonymous said...

They played our song? And I wasn't there to dance with you?
Was it crowded? Did Kip and Frank participate? Was anyone there that we knew that where Holmie's with us?
Camille - 6/7