Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I'm In Heaven - 6/7

It was more than I ever dreamed it would be and it was really worth the 25 year wait.  I want you all to go one night with me so I don't want to give too much away.  You can ask though and I will answer your questions. I will tell you this.... they closed with I wanna be sedated!


Anonymous said...

Oh Shit. I could have lost a pound or two dancing to "I Wanna Be Sedated"
Maureen Moore - 6/7

Anonymous said...

Oh my God.  I will definitely come. But, am I allowed to sleepover at your shore house.  We know Maureen Moore will drink too much.  I will have to come when David is not there or I may try to "do him"  --- Just thought I'd make you laugh. I am so excited about this and hope we can go when my sis is here!!!
If not. I will be there one nite.  I trust that if I show up on a Monday - you will be there.  Are there any Mondays you know you won't be there?  I would not want to be there alone since it's been "years" and Bobby wasn't mentioned!!!
Maureen - 6/7