Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Holme Sweet Holme - 7/18

They were still restocking the bar from Camille’s visit when Kathy & I got to D’Jais.
It was Family Night for Holme.  Joel’s daughter, Alexis, Peter Schuelle’s son, Frank Sementa’s mom, Kip’s wife, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lepis & the Koslow sisters were in attendance.  
Banderia was a no show, but YES, Joe Lepis was in the house!   So his membership in the Holme Fan Club is secure again.
The band started extremely late.  A new guy, Tommy, played horn.  The first set was just lounge music until they played Elvis’ “Suspicious Minds”.  Then the tempo picked up and people got into it.
Alexis sang Linda Rondstadt’s “Just One Look” and later sang on “Gimme Shelter”.  She was great and sang so intensely on GS that when she screamed/sang "Rape! Murder!" you almost expected to see Belmar police bust through the door.
Joel told the audience that Danny Gralick was living in NYC & doing quite well & had threatened to show up one night.  Pete has taken over the keyboard slot quite nicely.  He did the dreaded “Great Balls of Fire” and impressed everyone by playing keyboard with his toes.  I wish he’d pick up more of the type of tunes Danny did like Sweet Jane.  There was talk among the masses the band is stuck in a time warp while their audience wants to hear some current stuff.  This Holme band rocks when they flex their muscles and go outside the box.   These guys are extremely talented and are playing better now then they did 25 yrs. Ago.!
I thought there were approx. 300 people there but Joe Lepis guessed 230.

There were quite a few dancing & Kip go so excited he busted his strap (his guitar strap).  He also got so sweaty he put his shirt in the dryer during break.
Sementa did not speak one word to me.  He did, however, give me a kiss on the cheek.
Joel instituted a “no cha-cha” in front of him rule.

Billy did a great rendition of Roadhouse Blues.
I am starting to wish Cats (with Glen Burtnik) were playing down the block.  

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Holme Is Where My Heart Is - 7/11

Sorry for the entry delay.  I had been on vacation (1 day) with Camille & I just got back.  For the record Camille had 12 beers not including the one she had before we left my house.  That’s ½ case!

Monday night was a blast from the past.  Camille, Susan R, Kathy Koslow & I arrived to a pretty packed house.  The number of people definitely had an effect on the band.  Kip was “woo/oh baby(ing)” a lot.  He also told everyone to dump their beer on the floor like in the old days at D’Jais but nobody did because like Camille said they were 6 for $1 back in the day not $6 apiece.

Joe Lepis was a no show even after I wrote to him on Holme Fan Club stationary reminding him that failure to attend Monday’s meeting would jeopardize his future membership.  Could someone tell me where the hell he is?  According to Kip & Chard Bobby Banderia will be making a guest appearance this coming Mon. so maybe Lepis will show then.  Other no shows were:  D French (no babysitter), Maureen (FL trip), Joyce (works Mon), Geralyn & Phyllis (I sent Geralyn a letter inviting them to join us) & Sharon Clarke.  However, the guys from Kearny were there.

As usual  the band started late.  They did one too many Beatle songs the 1st set & took a break as usual right after Pretty Woman.   I can’t help but think of Puggy in blazer, rose colored glasses & capezios every time I hear that song.  If you remember, Puggy always wore a blazer like he was just out of prep school.  Anyway, Kip told Ca& I Puggy sends him email jokes all the time but no manuscripted emails.  It is believed Puggy has not yet heard about reunion but I disagree as his parents summer 3 blocks up from D’Jais.

The band has a working title of “Almost Holme” but I do not think everyone is comfortable with it.  Billy jokingly suggested they have a name the band contest.  Frank offered “Holme Boys”, Camille suggested “Far From Holme”.

Cam & I called Billy over & she told him her cousin, Kathy Moore, used to see the Intoxicados at the Tropical & that Kathy wanted to know how Bob Furlong was.  Billy told us Bob was working @ NBC in NYC & had recently gotten married.  He also mentioned The Intoxicatos reunite for charity functions. 

Harry did not recognize Camille even though while standing on D’Jais dance floor he had once offered to make her Chicken Marsala back at his house.  It was also incredulous to Frank that Harry did not recognize her.

I told Frank & Joel about this Blog & gave them the address to it.  Frank seemed a little excited about it & told us there was a Holme bumper sticker for sale on ebay. I checked it out.  It is ebay item # 7529317582.  Opening bid is $4.99.  It is being sold by someone in the “gray” area of Central NJ

It was a lucky night for Susan.  They played 2 of her favorite songs (Mustang Sally & Brown Eyed Girl) & did a song by her favorite band Led Zepplin.  She also got us all to dance (after the liquor kicked in).

Frank thanked me for coming every week.  I am wondering if he is trying reverse psychology on me.

I told Joel he once had sex at my house.  His reply was “Not With You”. He then turned to Cam & asked if it was with her.  He hadn’t recognized her either until he saw her mole.  To think she almost had it removed!  He did, however, recognize that she had a wedding ring on her left ring finger.

I am told Peter Schuelle had a conversation with us in which he said he was in a band that would play in one room of a bar while Holme played in the other room.  During his band's break he would go watch Holme play imagine himself playing with them.   He had always wanted to be in Holme (his dream band).  

Camille wore a shirt with the word Italia on it.  People were commenting to her on it.  I told her I am wearing shirt next week with the word Poland on it.

After Susan & Kathy left Kip bought Cam & I drinks.  I told him to sound the alarms as it was the 2nd time in 25 yrs that he did.  He asked us for suggestions for song list & mentioned that they were going to add Tainted Love – which I promptly nixed (you’re welcome).  During the night I requested Switching to Glide (on napkin on speaker naturally).  I think they should add Working for the Weekend & I Think We’re Alone Now.  If you have any suggestions please voice them in comment box & I will see to it they are passed onto Kip.   We told Kip about Cam’s son Jake playing guitar & writing songs.   When Harry came over we told Kip how he had not recognized Cam.   Kip told Harry Camille was famous & how could he not have recognized “Famous Camille”?

We told almost everyone in bar at least once we were on vacation (for 1 day).

Anyway we had such a great time that the bottom of Camille’s heel on shoe came off & she did not notice until next day when she was packing to go home.  We are going to try to arrange another special meeting of the Girls from JC in Aug so start flipping open your calendars.

Note from Kathy K to Camille:  It wasn’t the Tylenol PM that had you sleeping well Mon night.

P.S.  Frank has the prettiest drum set! 

Friday, July 1, 2005

JC Girls to Reunite 7/11/05 to see Holme

Camille is going to see Holme with me July 11th. I got in touch with Debadina French and she is working on getting babysitter so she can go too.  If you are interested: Band starts anytime between 8:00 - 9:00.   They end @ 12:30. We are staying at my house in Belmar & you are welcome to stay too (bring your pillow). I would love it if you could let me know if you are coming ahead of time, however, you can just meet us in D'Jais that night.    Love, M.

Holme Town News - 6/28 Oversight

I inadvertantly left this out of my earlier report...... The band was doing Pretty Woman & Kathy said Holme always took a break after doing it.   Sure enough Kathy was right.   So we're having a conversation with Joel on how long the first set was last night and years ago.  So Kathy reminds him the sets sometimes ran long when the guys could not be found because they were in the parking lot enjoying themselves (with girls) and Joel tells us he always kept his hand in his pocket until he got back on stage and could cover himself with his guitar. I just thought it was worth a mention - warn your daughters!

Holme Town News - 6/28

Kathy Koslow and I arrived fashionably late last night.   The band was in between songs and Joel noted our entrance and said “Oh the Press is here - Michele has arrived”.  He was of course referring to my past reporting for the Aquagian.  

Kathy was dressed appropriately in her white school blouse with her self-embroidered Holme logo (parkway sign) on the back.   2 other girls walked in wearing Holme tee shirts.  One in yellow with Holme name on front with the words “I do the Parkway Boogie” on the back.  The other in a D’Jais tee shirt with Holme wording on back.    At first break Kip & Joel turned their attention to them.  (I'm going to  have to pull out the heavy artillery and dig up old Holme tee shirts and such).   Kathy thought they could be members of the Bubbettes and asked them if they were and we found out that they were D’Jais best bartender & former Kip girlfriend Lisa Sherron’s friends who used to see Holme every night and stand across the bar from us at D’Jais.   Anyway they are just as excited by the reunion as we are.   They too are trying to round up their friends for big night out.  I am sorry to report that Lisa Sherron is currently going through a bad divorce.  Her friends think this is perfect thing to get her out of the house.  I also learned that their friend Patty donated her Holme memorabilia to the

I am also sorry to report that Joel fell off the wagon.  He went on 4 day drinking binge and missed 4 days of work because of it.  

Peter Schulle is the only drinking member of the band and he goes out of his way not to drink in front of the guys.  He also paid us his respects and told us there’s nothing he enjoys more than playing music and he is having good time with the band.

Speaking of bands…. We learned Billy Morris (?) is formally of the Intoxicacados!  Harry said they are now known as the Detoxicacados.  Ha, Ha.   Harry spent a good part of a break talking to us.  He went on the Internet, listened to the Romantics & printed off the words to That’s What I Like About You.  He asked me how it he was from the stage.  It was much improved.

Again no Joe Lepis so Kathy did an actual head count in his absence and confirmed 60 audience members.   Song list changes slightly every week.  Last night they added a new Springsteen song (Dancing in the Dark) and ended with Led Zepplin’s “It’s been a long time since I rock & rolled”.   By the way the do Someday, Somewhere and Jenny.   Other Holme girls inquired about whereabouts of Danny and wanted to know why Bobby hasn’t joined in fun.  Everyone is still awaiting Puggy entrance.

Chard came over and apologized for what he said to me last week – which means I still have the power!  

Frank said nothing whatsoever.   D’Jais License was renewed so he is back to being a sementhead.

Band members ribbed Kip about his shirt.    

We requested Lola.  Audience requested Roadhouse Blues.   No one got what they wanted.

NOTE:   Band will NOT be playing next Monday, 4th of July (to Joel’s dismay).   I would like to spend time off trying to arrange night out for all of us.   If seriously interested please reply with best date for you with back-up date.   Also, please I really need to hunt down Debbie French.   Any ideas?  Current last name?  Employment info?  

News From The Holme Front - 6/21

To the surprise of the band it was open mike last night @ D'Jais. First - At the beginning of the night I'm talking to Joel, well I was more like forcing my view on him, telling him he has to reclaim the band - Kip cannot take over.  And requesting that he do Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots".  But Joel won't do it because when he was in rehab he had a gay roommate.  Joel tells me after their morning meetings the patients would get up and perform.   They wouldn't let Joel have his guitar right away and the gay roommate is counting the days until he gets it because he wants Joel to back him on These Boots.   So Joel is imitating this gay guy singing while he's playing in front of Junkies.   It was funny.   And the rest of the night I'm thinking Joel needs to reclaim his coolness and do Cool Jerk or Pump It Up and then I think Lola!  So now I'm planning on mailing him a note with only one word on it - "Lola" with the message: reclaim your coolness. So back to my story: First there was a horn band called Soul Project whose members were from New Orleans and Belmar who joined Holme and then did a few songs during break.  They were great.  Then there was woman who got up and played the harmonica during a song.  You should have seen the band's faces!  This size 2 house wife looking chick gets up on the stage without asking and blows everyone away.   Note to Susan & Kathy M: They did Mustang Sally.   They do I'm a Believer and last night I'm watching them thinking the Monkees really are my most favorite band of all time until....... the end of the night.   They usually end with a mean I Wanna be Sedated.   People begged for encore so they do American Girl by T Petty and then they do Sympathy for the Devil!  And hell breaks loose!  Well, it was the best version I've ever heard including The Stones.   Joel's daughter is up there playing tambourine & some guy gets up and some girl gets up and they're just part of the audience.  Everyone is in a frenzy!  And everyone is woo-woo ing and I'm near orgasm - that's how great it is.  And Kip is like why doesn't everyone just come up and sing & playnext week.  Anyway: This week Frank goes before the town to renew D'Jais License and you know the town is going to force him to close at midnight again and I swear they're trying to kill him.   Of course it comes down to money (it always does).  They're blackmailing him.  Your kids and I won't have anywhere to go and be young (and get the best drinks) if the town keeps this up. I asked about 4th of July.   Frank said he really didn't think about it.  Maybe they'd do an early afternoon set.  By the way the crowd is now at 50 - 60 people! Finally, at the end of the night Frank runs out after me and hugs me like for dear life and tells me in his sincere voice that I am really loyal.   Just what a girl wants to hear.  It seems I've got alot of work to do on myself. I hope to see you all soon.  Rocco girls where are you?  This is so fun.  Life is too short and so is the Summer.  Band usually ends 12:30.  I can have you home by 1:15.   Camille, please work on Debbie French!  She is an integral part of the group.   Love you all, M.