Friday, July 1, 2005

Holme Town News - 6/28

Kathy Koslow and I arrived fashionably late last night.   The band was in between songs and Joel noted our entrance and said “Oh the Press is here - Michele has arrived”.  He was of course referring to my past reporting for the Aquagian.  

Kathy was dressed appropriately in her white school blouse with her self-embroidered Holme logo (parkway sign) on the back.   2 other girls walked in wearing Holme tee shirts.  One in yellow with Holme name on front with the words “I do the Parkway Boogie” on the back.  The other in a D’Jais tee shirt with Holme wording on back.    At first break Kip & Joel turned their attention to them.  (I'm going to  have to pull out the heavy artillery and dig up old Holme tee shirts and such).   Kathy thought they could be members of the Bubbettes and asked them if they were and we found out that they were D’Jais best bartender & former Kip girlfriend Lisa Sherron’s friends who used to see Holme every night and stand across the bar from us at D’Jais.   Anyway they are just as excited by the reunion as we are.   They too are trying to round up their friends for big night out.  I am sorry to report that Lisa Sherron is currently going through a bad divorce.  Her friends think this is perfect thing to get her out of the house.  I also learned that their friend Patty donated her Holme memorabilia to the

I am also sorry to report that Joel fell off the wagon.  He went on 4 day drinking binge and missed 4 days of work because of it.  

Peter Schulle is the only drinking member of the band and he goes out of his way not to drink in front of the guys.  He also paid us his respects and told us there’s nothing he enjoys more than playing music and he is having good time with the band.

Speaking of bands…. We learned Billy Morris (?) is formally of the Intoxicacados!  Harry said they are now known as the Detoxicacados.  Ha, Ha.   Harry spent a good part of a break talking to us.  He went on the Internet, listened to the Romantics & printed off the words to That’s What I Like About You.  He asked me how it he was from the stage.  It was much improved.

Again no Joe Lepis so Kathy did an actual head count in his absence and confirmed 60 audience members.   Song list changes slightly every week.  Last night they added a new Springsteen song (Dancing in the Dark) and ended with Led Zepplin’s “It’s been a long time since I rock & rolled”.   By the way the do Someday, Somewhere and Jenny.   Other Holme girls inquired about whereabouts of Danny and wanted to know why Bobby hasn’t joined in fun.  Everyone is still awaiting Puggy entrance.

Chard came over and apologized for what he said to me last week – which means I still have the power!  

Frank said nothing whatsoever.   D’Jais License was renewed so he is back to being a sementhead.

Band members ribbed Kip about his shirt.    

We requested Lola.  Audience requested Roadhouse Blues.   No one got what they wanted.

NOTE:   Band will NOT be playing next Monday, 4th of July (to Joel’s dismay).   I would like to spend time off trying to arrange night out for all of us.   If seriously interested please reply with best date for you with back-up date.   Also, please I really need to hunt down Debbie French.   Any ideas?  Current last name?  Employment info?  


Anonymous said...

Oh, my God! I remember Billy Morris. In fact, I just pulled out some old pictures of him. Isn't that funny? Can you find out about Bob (Furlong?), the drummer for the Intoxicados?  Tell him I was asking for him.
Kathy Moore - 6/28

Anonymous said...

Who is Chard and what did he say to you? I don't remember.
Was Frank not nice?
Too bad about Joel. It must be difficult to stay on the wagon in that setting.
What is Roadhouse Blues? Do I know that song?
Kathy Moore - 6/28

Anonymous said...

Kathy -
Will give you all answers later.  Do these words sound familiar?
"Well I woke up this morning and I got myself a Beer" (roadhouse blues)
Also, I thought you'd find Intoxicacado connection interesting!
Michele - 6/28

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy:
1)  Chard is handling the sound for the band.  Last week the sound was perfect & he started tinkering with it and I told him he shouldn't and he told me to take a flying f.   He hangs with Frank alot (even in Winter) and I get the feeling he thinks we're competing for Frank's attention or something.
2)  I need a website!  I have to look into creating one.
3)  Frank goes hot to cold.  One day he's spending alot of time with me (in the bar, at his house or on the phone) and the next week he barely says hi.   He's always been that way.  He is always nice though.
4)  Everything seems to be going well for Joel right now so I just don't get it.   Joel was never friendly with Kathy, Cam & me so I am just getting to know him.  
I just remembered there was something about Joel I meant to mention in my email today.  
I wished you lived closer.  This would be such fun.  
Michele - 6/28