Tuesday, September 20, 2005

He's Leaving Holme Bye, Bye - 9/5

Labor Day was a long time ago.  This is what I remember.  Frank Sementa wore a white t-shirt.  Pete, Kip, Joel & Tommy wore black shirts.  Bill wore a very dark brown shirt that looked black.  The black shirts with the red lighting was not flattering.  Kip changed his shirt during a break.  The new shirt was white & rust plaid, cowboy looking and reminded me of that Zepplin song "Hot Dog" they used to do.  I really couldn't tell you if he went from bad to worse.  Joe Lepis was there and we went over the Holme line-up.  Banderia, an original member of the band, left the band 3 times as did Joel.  Harry told me no new songs were learned (a truism for 30 years now).  Kathy suggested they do the Ramones' "Rock & Roll Radio" and maybe something more current like Green Day.  Harry did not seem to know Green Day.  I'm still waiting for "The Breakup Song" by the Greg Kihn Band.  Alexis sang 4 songs - the same old & Gimme Shelter.  There was an announcement that Alexis had just been or was going to be on the Today SHow.  I wish I could answer why & what.   I have come to the conclusion that it is not a small world, Marissa just knows everyone.  She also seems to hate the same songs we do which is a good thing when you want to leave the dance floor.  A wheel chair bound black guy with 2 artifical legs (not 3?) named Ron was persistent throughout the night to get up on stage & sing with the band.  He did to the chagrin of the band & sang Suspious Minds.  It was not the best.  Frank excitedly gave me a blog entry he had in his pocket.  A man named Jack Bogdanski in Oregon has a political blog.  His entry of Aug 27th talked about H-O-L-M-E.  Remember how Kip used to spell the name of the band out at every break?  Anyway, I updated Mr. Bogdanski on the band in a comment on his blog:  Jack Bog's Blog.  Kathy & ran into Sharon the girl Joel did have sex with (not me) and she reminded us that Joel had a thing for armpits.  I think he likes to lick them.  Lastly I won myself a D'Jais sweatshirt!  I filled out a "Holme Email List" postcard and it was drawn by Frank during the giveaway.  Well, I actually filled out numerous cards throughout the night & some I comically filled out.  However, Kathy would probably tell you that I really won the sweatshirt for having breasts and showing them.  The top I was wearing was low cut and gave my breasts definition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dodd's on Mon nites..the Old Straw Hat on Wedesdays, Beachboys..those were the days...what ever happened to Joe??