Friday, September 2, 2005

Holme Strech - 8/22/05

In anticipation of a repeat visit by Bobby Banderia and to ensure a space by the bar, Kathy, Marguerite & I got to D’Jais early and I’m glad we did.  I had almost forgotten that Holme does 2 songs I really like during the 1st set – “Nowhere Man” and “Sister Golden Hair”.  The joint was packed again.

Bendyourearoff did show and it was announced he is now a full time (permanent) member of Bon Jovi’s band.  Hopefully he will still play locally on his down time.

Joe & Sarah Lepis were there and Joe was handing out those wooden nickels with the Holme logo on them.  Sarah said he has boxes of them and I am sure she was happy he was getting rid of them allowing her more space in their home.  I already had my original one laying around in my bedroom at home.  If I remember correctly they were good for a free drink and I think I obtained mine at Joe Pops or The Osprey.  Holme should hold a contest for their fans to bring their most unique Holme memorabilia.  The band and Joe Lepis would decide the winner.

The Holme website is  It is up and running though not to capacity.  I was told by Kip it will be in another week or 2.  Separately both Frank & Kip told me it will have a suggestion box and both stated they were sure I would fill it.   I will add the link to their website on this Blog so that you can go directly there from here. 

Holme is playing Labor Day @ D’Jais.  They are also playing a benefit for The Belmar Art Council.  The benefit is called Beaux Eaux Ball.  It is being held on SATURDAY, October 8th @ D’Jais.  It begins @ 7:30pm.   I do not know the ticket price but I was told admission will include a T-Shirt, free drink & food (and should be tax deductible!).  Please let me know if you are seriously interested in going.  I will book hotel rooms and pick up tickets.

Speaking of art, Joel drew the clown on D’Jais “Circus Night” t-shirt.

Caroline from the Stone Pony announced the band at the beginning of the 2nd set.  She also announced that the Stone Pony was again saved from closure.  I do not like the Stone Pony and was very relieved her announcements did not pertain to Holme playing there.  Sementa told me she has endeavored to secure them and so have a lot of other places like Bar A and the Borgata in A/C.  The Borgata wanted to book them with Uncle Floyd!  I used to love Uncle Floyd (and Ooogie).  There was also mention of their playing with Southside Johnny & The Jukes.  Frank & Kip would like the band to play somewhere up north but it would be hard on Peter because he has a business to run & on Billy because he has a 9-5 job.  Plus they all live down the shore.  I have no clue as to the ideal place for them to play.  All of the best places are gone (like Creations).

I am now on a quest to track down Bubba.  His real name is Robert Selitto (Sellito?).  Please let me know if you remember anything about him that could help me.

The band practices in a local studio every Monday afternoon.

Frank is hopeful Danny will one day show up.  He saw Puggy last week.  Puggy is busy working as a bartender and has 2 small children.

Alexis sand with the band – Just One Look & I Love Rock & Roll and so did Charlie, a D’Jais employee.

Kip told me it was weird seeing his neighbors dancing in front of him.  He also told me they are going to hand out approximately 300 Holme CDs.  The CDs will include 4 bonus tracks – original Holme songs.  He told me that someone downloaded them from him on the Internet which we both thought was a cool thing.

We left during the beginning of the 3rd set


Anonymous said...

I am lucky enough to know Robert Selitto, in fact he is my husband...
A friend of ours linked me to your blog.  I don't know much about these things although I have heard that many people ( who must have some time to kill )
do blog alot...
If you would like to know anything about "Bubba", just email me!
We live in Matawan, N.J.  with my 2 daughters, 17 and 14.
We have lived here for 7 years and were married in Washington Square Park on May 26, 2001.
Talk to you later,

Anonymous said...

i realized that if you wanted to email me that you don't have my address...
mrs.  bubba....