Monday, November 21, 2005

Homeopathy - 11/5

The word of the day was Persistent spelled e-n-t not a-n-t.

Holme played at a benefit for a family with 2 sick children and a ton of medical bills.  The benefit was held @ Bar-A.  Marian, Donna & I got there as the band was setting up.  We ran into Kip & Harry outside.  Kip said "Hi Girls".  Donna really liked he said girls.  Once plugged in Joel came over to us.  We chatted.  He wasn't feeling well and had canceled his gigs before & after this benefit.  I went over to Peter Schulle to ask if Cats on a Smooth Surface had a website.  I had surfed the web for one and found none.   We used to go see Holme with every intention to stay until closing (Let's Go Ladies).  However, once Holme started playing Build Me Up Buttercup or Mony, Mony we would roll our eyes, look at each other and leave to go see Cats.  Years later we would leave Holme to see Cats and leave Cats to see Glen Beandip (Burtnik) or Bobby Bendyourearoff (Banderia) or Pugster's band, The End.  One of the highlights of seeing Cats was seeing Harry sing & move to "Pump It Up".   Anyway, I had wanted to check Cats' schedule and pop in to see them.  Unfortunately they do not have a website.  In speaking to Peter I learned that he had cut an album of original tunes with Emmett Findley in 1971.  How interesting is that?   I would love to hear it.

Harry said it didn't feel right playing so early in the day and I agreed.  He sang a few lines of "Michelle" to me.

Kip looked fabulous in the cherry red shirt he was wearing.  It made all the difference in the world to see color up on stage.  In addition the lighting in Bar-A was superior to the lighting they use for the band in D'Jais.  It wasn't just unflattering red lights beaming on them.  During the 1st set they played a new Beatles song whose title escapes me now.  I was thrilled they added another song to their repertoire but not as thrilled as I would be in the 2nd set. Sharon showed up midway through the 1st set.   Joel seemed happy to see her.  I wrote on a napkin "The Word of the Day is Persistant" and put it in front of Joel.  When they broke he came over to talk to Sharon.  He told me I had spelled Persistent wrong that it was ent not ant.  I told him I knew it as soon as I wrote it.  Sharon asked what we were talking about and I said that Joel was smarter than me.  Joel corrected me and said not smarter, just a better speller.

During the 2nd set, to my surprise and amazement, they played another new song "Brass In Pocket".  Kip told the crowd the song went out special to me, that I wanted it and I got it.  I had put it on my wish list either in an email on the Holme website or I told Kip to play it when speaking to him during the Summer.   It was the BESTEST surprise.  I felt famous and I felt powerful.   Joel sang it and the twist they put on it blew me away. Joel came over to Sharon again during break but there was no talking.  

The 3rd set another new song!   Joe Jackson!  2 Holme runs!!!  Now if I can just get them to do Lola, Pump it Up,The Breakup Song (Greg Kihn) Someday Someway & Switching to Glide & Tired of Towing the Line.  I'd also love for them to do the Rolling Stones version of Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone, Aerosmith's Walk This Way, I Think I Love You (Partridge Family) Respect, Nancy Sinatra's These Boots are Made for Walking & a medley of David Bowie songs.  Joel was asking the audience for a lozenge from the stage and unbelievably Sharon had Halls Spearmint lozenges in her truck.  She retrieved them for Joel.

Other than the days when Camille & I would drive down to Bar-A to have a drink & watch some TV I had never had a good time at Bar-A.  I never left it feeling that I couldn't wait to go back until seeing Holme there.  It was fun.  A good time was had by all!  Afterwards Marian & Red went on the Boathouse and continued their party.  Donna, Sharon & I went to 507 Main for Pizza.

Stayed Tuned:  I was given some exciting news about one of the members of the band but was asked not to post it yet. 

Thanks:  To Kip and the guys for Brass In Pocket.

Correction:  I made a mistake on the photo of posted of us circa 1981.  That's Kathy M's friend, Ellen in the picture, not Sharon.

Note to Marian:   Blog is posted now you owe us the rest of the story.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the blog update!  Intrigud by your hint of  news to come.  Let me guess:  Hary and Joel are leaving Holme to start there own band?  Wouldn't that be original!

Thanks for keeping us informed.

P.S.  I spelled intrigued wrong on purpose!