Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Retirement Holme - 11/15

They're advertised as the band for Baby Boomers.  I dislike those words for 2 reasons.  They remind me of my age and that I have no real money in my 401K plan.  Soundgarden is in Lodi off Rt. 46 East.  It's located in a strip mall - at least there's parking.   It was only $5 to get in.  Kathy & her friend Bill were already there when Sharon & I showed up.  Soundgarden is close to Kathy's home so she was very happy they were playing there.  The floor was littered with little prohibition type tables with tablecloths & candles on them.  We were lucky to get one in front.  I estimate less than 50 people showed.  Joel pointed out that the Stickle (sp?) Bridge girls were there.  The stage there is high, too high.  About 3' high.  You had to look up.  It felt like you were in the 1st row of a movie theater.  At first the lighting was terrible.  Just day glow green lights shining down on the band.  They guys looked like alien life forms.  I am thinking maybe the lighting guy used the green color to connect to the band's signature colors.  The music during break time was too loud.  Napkins stuffed in your ears and then some loud.

Kip was back from vacation.   He looked great.  His hair was coiffed, he had on black jeans, a soft very white shirt (worn outside) and what looked like new black Converse sneakers (not hightop).  Bill had never been and his impression 1st set during Twist & Shout was "are they a wedding band?"  However, he changed his mind 2nd set and found them to be quite good.  There weren't many people on the dance floor but almost everyone danced to Brass in Pocket.

I asked Frank about my lost sunglasses.  He said he looked for them but didn't find them and now some Mexican is wearing them.  Frank can be so funny.  When I went to buy drinks for me & Sharon the bartender was not going to charge us because he thought we were with the band.  I was cracking up.  I could see why he thought that of Sharon - she was wearing leather pants & see thru top.  I was anything but.  I was dressed in my very old, very faded jeans, thermal high neck top & clogs!  I made the bartender take my money.   I almost never take free drinks.  Kathy said I should mention Howie Stein on my Blog to see if anyone knows where he is.  He should show up one night (he may already have & I missed him).  The last I saw Howie he was ushering or working security at Continental Area.  At the end of the night we were the last to leave other than the band or club workers.  Kathy & I were standing by the doorway waiting for Sharon to come out of the ladies room.  Harry was leaving & asked Kathy & I if we were waiting for "the love birds?"  We laughed.  Then we all proceeded to the front door.  It was locked.  Harry opened it & told us he was once locked in the Fast Lane in Asbury Park overnight but fortunately was not alone at the time.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, I am really enjoying reading your blog!  I WISH I had your social life.  Glad to see this didn't end after D'Jais closing.

I think we are all now wondering - "Who are the lovebirds"?  Do tell.
