Thursday, August 3, 2006

Holme Away From Holme - 7/9/06

For once the band began on time.  There were some fresh songs like Pour Some Sugar on Me, Livin' on a Prayer and Me & Julio Down by the School Yard.  Of course they played their regular songs like Runaway & American Girl.  We were told the band would take requests but only if they were written on a napkin.  The breaks were long as they sometimes are.  It was Kathy, Sharon & me.  The crowd was composed of mostly couples.  I swore I saw Chard in the crowd but was later proved wrong.  Glen the Fireman who had a shore house on 14th next to ours in the early 80’s walked in.  He’s 54, single & just retired.  He remembered all of our names & said we had the same hairdos we did in the 80’s.  He’s right.

We were hungry & decided to grab some fries @ D’Jais snack bar.  We were waiting for our food when Patty Conner stopped to chat with us.  She told me she has read my Blog. Kip had shown it to her.  I tried to explain to her that I had always been critical of the band but she assured me that the band respected my opinion.  She told us there were photos of us on Angelo’s PhotoShow.  At that point Kip came by & Patty asked him about Angelo’s photos.  I told Kip I was still mad at him over July 3rd & not to talk to me.  Patty informed us they were going to have a nice buffet the next Monday to make up for the band not playing the 3rd.  A peace offering?  Evidence that all of your emails did rock Kip’s world.  I had emailed Kip almost daily with my tirades over the 3rd and my thoughts on how the band should have handled the situation.  I truly thought the band to be unfair to their fans.  I was told last year that D’Jais makes more money on Holme’s Monday nights than they do on Sundays.  My theory on this is the Sunday crowd is drugging and the Monday crowd is drinking.  What Holme should have done was played at another venue for happy hour let’s say 4 – 7:00.  They could have found a drummer to sit in for Frank for the afternoon leaving him to tend to D’Jais.  Kip could have been back at D’Jais by 7:30.  It would have been a win-win situation.  In addition, the band would have been paid by the other venue putting money in Kip’s pocket. Hey the band could have even continued to play after Kip left.  Another way they could have gone was to charge everyone $10 to get in voiding all VIP cards for the holiday.  Lastly they could have had a guest player to draw a larger crowd (like when Bobby plays with them). The 20 yr olds had Z100 Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  Trust me, they were not going to abandon D’Jais & frequent other clubs in the future if Holme had played that Monday. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Holmeblogger,

Enough already! Give up about the 4th! You need to remember people read your blog to find out about the band not to hear you whine.  You need to forgive, forget and move along!  The summer is flying by and you are still stuck on July 4th weekend.  Now get back to what you do best- band info/updates, good gossip and great pictures.  

Anonymous said...

Hey posted yet another fun blog entry... & photos. Hope to catch up with you on one of these Monday nights (maybe the 14th) in August and toast your blogging talents. I generally have dinner on the porch & then move inside for dancing fun and the calorie burn. Thanks for the efforts you put forth in writing the Holme blog.