Friday, August 19, 2005

Holme Pregnancy Test - 8/15

What a difference a week makes.  The sound was good and thankfully there was no dance contest.

Bobby Banderia showed and it was one hell of a rock n roll extravaganza!  Kevin Cavanugh was also onstage and shared keyboards with Peter Schuelle.   Guitar line up left to right was:  Joel, Kip, Harry, Bobby, Tommy.   Joel & Bobby should have traded places for the night for a much better eyeball presentation.

When I walked into D’Jais I was taken aback at the number of people there.  It was packed like those wonderful days gone by.  There was no elbow space to be found.  More than 600 people were there – almost all of them in our age bracket!  And what an interesting crowd it was……

Frank’s old girlfriend, Suzie (the airline stewardess) was there.  So was Patrice (yes, Danny’s Patrice) along with Joe Lepis & Bill their old Manager.  Lisa Sherron-Priore what is keeping you?  Need I remind all of you we were the ultimate famous ones?

Q – Could it be true that your past does catch up to you?

Frank Sementa was in his glory.  Trust me when I tell you he spent the night counting the number of women there he had once had sex with and the dollars being rung up in his registers.

Kip seem ecstatic.  He made it a point to tell me Holme now had a website. I do not know its address.  It’s probably not because Joe Lepis asked me if I owned the address.  He thought if anyone did I would.  He told me when he moved out of his father’s house he found 4 old Aquagians.  They must have made some impression for everyone to keep bringing them up.  Kip announced that they will be playing all of the Fall, Winter & Spring until D’Jais reopens next year.  His wife was there and I believe one of his daughters was too.

Alexis, who Joe Lepis has crowned the new Patty Malooney, has added Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock & Roll” to her repertoire.  I like it best of all the songs she does.

By the way, Joe Lepis also told me he had asked about Debbie French at her old place of business.

I received kisses from Frank, Kip & Bobby.  Bobby was warmest to me.  He told me he will likely play with Holme again next week as he does not know where he’ll be after that (he is scheduled to tour Europe shortly).  I did not speak to Joel, Harry or Peter.  I did not encounter them on breaks.  I did not get the impression that Bobby was having the best time of his life.  I think he enjoyed playing and since he was an original member of Holme he probably enjoyed seeing the old crowd but it may have been too much of a reminder of days gone by for him.  Or maybe he was just tired.    

Remember you have only 2 Mondays left to have this experience. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lucy, I'm Holme - 8/8

I am sorry to report I did not make an appearance.  Unfortunately I incurred a temporary loss of hearing last week and still have not recovered.  I do not read lips so there was no point in going this week.

Friday, August 5, 2005

Holme Improvement - 8/1


Break 1 – Boring


However, Joel does my favorite Beatles tune – Drive My Car.

Sound is good if you are in ladies room or outside at snack bar.

We all stuff napkins in our ears.

George from Tropical Pub is there.


Tell him can’t hear vocals and you cannot understand Kip when he talks.  He does not seem to believe me until Frank makes announcement from stage and Joel cannot understand him.  To Joel’s credit he remembers Marguerite was there last week.  Harry asks how do we sound?  Tell Harry TOO LOUD TOO LOUD TOO LOUD TOO LOUD (Harry is sweet).  He does not seem to believe me either until I point out no one is standing or dancing near stage.  Most patrons are standing at back bars.  Then I see light bulb go on over his head. 

No words from Kip, Pete, Billy or once again Frank.

Kathy leaves to go home.

Set 3 – Volume fixed.  Band does Mony, Mony and D’Jais holds dance contest for D’Jais tee shirts & Yankee hats.  Marguerite & I leave after 3rd song.  I am disappointed.   It is turning from cool basement band music that everyone experienced in the 60’s & 70’s (think Cream’s White Room & Norman Greenbaum’s Spirit in the Sky) to unbearable loud music from 40 yrs ago and dance contests.  I mean who are you grooving to nowadays?  Band is still good but if you haven’t been yet you might have missed the good old days.

Photo is of Harry Filkin.



Thursday, August 4, 2005

Ladies Holme Journal - 7/25

I truly apologize about entry delay.    

Photo above is Alexis, Joel's daughter.

Susan R, Kathy K & Frank Santollo’s daughter Marguerite went. Marguerite is 23, wore really short skirt, she looked hot, was good dancer and enjoyed band so much she added herself to the list of regular goers.

I spent entire night trying to keep my boobies inside my low cut top.

I think band and audience have finally decided to just call band Holme.

Dance floor was packed like in old Holme days.

Susan estimated 400 patrons and thought horn player was great addition.

Kathy thought band finally clicked together.

New song was added, Stone’s “Start Me Up”.  Pete Schuelle sang.

Told Harry to add his signature song “Pump Me Up” to songs he sings.  

Joel was sick but showed up and did his best.

Alexis sang Blondie’s “Call Me” and her usual Linda Ronstadt song.

Sementa did not converse.  He was working the room.  He said all of Belmar was there including Chief of Police but not Mayor.  He told audience he went to kindergarten with Harry (true).   

Also, Joel supporters from Clancy’s – a local bar he plays at were there.   One of the guys became dance partner for Susan. 

Kathy now insists to get her drinks from DJ booth bar, in particular from Ashton Kushner look-a- like bartender.  

Marissa & Cathy were no-shows.