Thursday, August 4, 2005

Ladies Holme Journal - 7/25

I truly apologize about entry delay.    

Photo above is Alexis, Joel's daughter.

Susan R, Kathy K & Frank Santollo’s daughter Marguerite went. Marguerite is 23, wore really short skirt, she looked hot, was good dancer and enjoyed band so much she added herself to the list of regular goers.

I spent entire night trying to keep my boobies inside my low cut top.

I think band and audience have finally decided to just call band Holme.

Dance floor was packed like in old Holme days.

Susan estimated 400 patrons and thought horn player was great addition.

Kathy thought band finally clicked together.

New song was added, Stone’s “Start Me Up”.  Pete Schuelle sang.

Told Harry to add his signature song “Pump Me Up” to songs he sings.  

Joel was sick but showed up and did his best.

Alexis sang Blondie’s “Call Me” and her usual Linda Ronstadt song.

Sementa did not converse.  He was working the room.  He said all of Belmar was there including Chief of Police but not Mayor.  He told audience he went to kindergarten with Harry (true).   

Also, Joel supporters from Clancy’s – a local bar he plays at were there.   One of the guys became dance partner for Susan. 

Kathy now insists to get her drinks from DJ booth bar, in particular from Ashton Kushner look-a- like bartender.  

Marissa & Cathy were no-shows.

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