Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Holme Movies - 9/19

I was going to skip another night of going to see Holme but the last few days were full of interesting little bits of news.

First I received a (blog) comment from someone wondering if I had stopped writing in my journal.  Since I didn’t recognize the signature I became intrigued.  Then I noted that I had 375 blog hits.  The last time I looked I had 282 so I became curious.  Just who is reading this blog besides you?

Then I received an email from a man who knows where Bubba is and can put me in touch with him.  Apparently Bubba is still working for Saturday Night Live.  How about that?  So I had to notify Frank & Kip that I found him and he won’t be interested in working for them.  The man who wrote me also mixed sound for Holme & the band Condor before that.

Next Camille tells me that her niece is Geralyn Guerra’s nanny for her 5 mo. old daughter.  So any hope I had of seeing Geralyn & Phyllis show up one night is now squelched.

So I go, I stay 1½ sets.  There were 400-500 people there which is very impressive now that Belmar has officially told you Summer is over, go home, by making the streets 2 way again.

Again Frank is in a white tee-shirt and everyone else is in black except Tommy who’s in drab olive green.  Please somebody get these guys a stylist.  Frank says he needs to take Kip shopping.  I hope they both go to Barneys like they used to after music lessons in the city.  Wait, is Barneys closed?

Kip had a little laryngitis and said he sounds like Rod Stewart without all of the ex-wives. 

Like I told you previously, the band has packs of Coors beers propping up their speakers.  I look at them and think don’t they know that beer only makes the music sound better if you drink it?  I have noticed on more than one occasion that men are now standing up front on the sides of the stage where the women groupies (me, us, them) once used to.  I wonder if the women are no longer interested.  I also wonder when did men become more annoying than women at shows?  Kip announced this Monday, September 26th is their final night @ D’Jais (other than the night of the benefit show) and that it will be crazy and they’ll be surprises.  I would like my surprise to be that they’ve learned a new song.   This week I suggested to Kip they do Brass in Pocket.  I heard Kip telling someone they are going to try to play weekends locally.  He also told everyone of their website and said I should be their webmaster.  Kathy checks all of the websites and had to resort to calling D’Jais for the skinny on what information is correct.  Holme’s website?  D’Jais website?  KC Productions’ email notification?  Next week I’ll suggest they use D’Jais phone number after the bar closes for the season for people to call to hear a recording of their scheduled dates.  This way Kathy only has to check one place for her info.

One of the boys is in trouble big time.  Unfortunately bad habits die hard.  I hope he pulls himself together.  Which again asks the question where is Puggy DeRosa and his rose colored glasses?  I know where he is and how to get in touch with him I just can’t believe he hasn’t wanted to make an appearance.  I guess his days of tonguing Banderia are gone forever.

Harry gets the award for most improved.  His Pink Cadillac was very strong this week and I learned that his instrument is a blues guitar.  He continues to be very sweet to me.  On break he stopped to chat then went on to talk to a guy who was just released from prison that day.

I remember when TVs in bars were used for cool things like videos, photos, messages.  If the bar has dancing it should not have a TV.  Kathy had her 8mm movies of Holme put on DVD.  There’s 8 minutes of Holme, no sound.  Alot of it is Joel & Billy Coleman but Kip is there, Frank in shirt & tie and Danny in long sleeve baby tee with a rainbow on it.  I suggested Frank loop it and play it over & over on D’Jais TVs during break but does he EVER take my suggestions?  I am still gravely disappointed to see that Sementhead continues to smoke.  His girlfriend Theresa was celebrating her birthday and there was the obligatory “Birthday” song dedicated to her.

By the way, in the short time I was there Joel only sang one song (Jenny). I was very surprised he did not mess it up.  He seemed so out of it, so distracted.

NOTE:  If you were thinking of going to the benefit you only have until the 25th to buy tickets @ $50.  After they’ll be $65.  There will be food & you will get a bag of goodies.  Just think how explosive a room full of artists will be.  They’ll make you feel so normal!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't help but be continually fascinated by your blog.  Your last few entries raise many questions:
First of all:  How big are your really big breasts? Are you available?
Secondly:  How old is Joe Lepis's wife.  He looks old enough to be her father!
Also:  How old is Frank's girlfriend, is she legal?  
And speaking of girlfriends, since you told us about your friends, who did you hook up with?
It's also interesting that you are hesitant to mention the name of the troubled band memeber but have no problem writing about the fine details of his sex life.  (Not to mention that his wife or daughter might be reading your blog.)  Please,
Please continue writing,  This shit is more interesting than anything on T.V.!