Thursday, August 31, 2006

Holme Fries - 7/31/06

We had so much fun the week before that Donna, Marian & I returned to D’Jais for more.  Mr. T. McGraw look-a-like greeted Donna at the door with a “Hello Beautiful”.  We were off to a good start.  I had made a “I ♥♥ Justin” button to wear to his birthday party last week but had forgotten it at home.  Before I left my house this night I scooped it up from my nightstand to take with me.  My dad was coming over & I didn’t want him to speculate about my love life.  I wore it in D’Jais & it was hit with Justin.  Toward the end of the night I passed it onto Patty his co-bartender & she wore it with pride.  Who doesn’t love Justin?

The band added a new song to their repertoire - “Rosalita”.  Harry not only sings it, he owns it!  It’s a real keeper.  A reader of this Blog named Lynn introduced herself to me.  She had been a bartender @ D’Jais for a year back in the day & had traveled from Pennsylvania to see the band. She’s very nice but reluctant to have her photo posted.  Bobby Banderia’s son joined Holme onstage for a tune or 2.  Frank was kind enough to grant my request for tee shirts for D & M.  I hadn’t known that Donna had really wanted one.  Peter told us his grandchild saw his photo on this Blog.  After the band went off I sat at Justin’s bar & continued to drink while Donna & Marian went out to the snack bar.  They were having french fries when the Playwright stopped by.  They offered him some fries but he refused them saying he tries to stay away from the stuff.  Donna & Marian informed him they are worth every gram of fat in them.  Sometime during the night (maybe at the snack bar) the Playwright informed them he was going to appear in a play the next weekend in a park in Spring Lake.  The play was Shakesphere’s “A Mid-Summers Night Dream”.    As this encounter was going on a fight suddenly broke out across the bar from me.  I couldn’t tell you anything about it other than no one saw it coming & Bill Ludeke was involved.  When the fight emptied onto the street outside, Donna came into the bar to make sure I was safe.  She found me sitting at the bar with a big smile on my face.   That was the memory she took away with her from the night.    

Love, M



Anonymous said...

I can not get over Bobby's son, he looks like his dad's twin! Does he have his dad's golden voice and does he perform sheer magic on a guitar like dear ol' dad?He is about the age Bobby was when I first met him in Holme. Next month is Bobby's birthday,10/19 and from the looks of it. he has the two best gifts of all, his kids. Has anyone seen Bobby's x-wife Bonnie? I wonder how she is doing. She was very cute and sweet. Has Carley ever seen Holme? No Danny or Mark yet?? Where are you guys? I have your numbers and just may shock you!
Pattie "Holmefrie" Church

Anonymous said...

P.S.  Bill Ludeke?? He is still around? As I  remember he was--lets just say not the most honest guy around.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patty.  Bill Ludeke's photo appears on my entry - Holme Opener 5/6/06.  He is the last photo.  Both Peter & bobby's sons are both very talented.  

Anonymous said...

Harry "owned" Rosalita from the "Cats" days !!  It was usually done around the 3rd set when everyone was cranked up !  Love that !