Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bernie "The Burn" Dippolito

If anyone has current, up-to-date information on  Bernie Dippolito (of Sam the Band / The G-Men / Frankie & The Burn) please post a comment below.  Thanks.


Thursday, December 7, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Holmeoween - 10/28/06

The Belmar Arts Council held their 2nd Annual Beaux Eaux (pronounced Bozo) Ball on my favorite night of the year – the night we turn the clocks back and gain an extra hour.  Like last year, it was held at D’Jais and Holme played. Tickets were $50.  There would be food, 1½ hrs open bar & prizes.  It was a costume party which I was not thrilled about. Tickets were ordered right away & rooms were booked at the BML.  It was going to be me, Sharon, Camille, Susan, Donna, Marian & my sister Kathy.  Kathy & Susan decided right away they would go in costume.  They independently choose to be members of Holme.  Kathy was going as Kip & Susan as Peter Schulle.  Sharon was also going in costume but could not decide on what to be.  Camille said she was dressing too – in her good dress-up clothes.  The rest of us were not going in costume or so I thought.  First, Susan changed her mind & decided she was going to be a bobblehead.  A Frank Sementa bobblehead!   Then Donna & Marian started costume shopping. Next Camille notified me her High School Reunion was going to be the same day as the Ball.  Luckily for all of us it was being held at the Oyster Point in Red Bank & earlier in the day.  Camille also changed her mind about her costume.  She was going as an Indian.  I succumbed to the peer pressure & started searching online for a commercial costume maker.  For over a year I had wanted to have the Holme logo made into a costume that I could wear incognito in the bars & onto the stage during “Boogie”.  I was unsuccessful in my search so I was left to my own devices to create one.  3 Trips to the foam/fabric store, 2 trips to Kinko’s, a couple of trips to the Rag Shop, 4 nights working until 3:00am, 1½ PTO days & $120 later and my costume was nearly complete.  I finished it at the BML when I glued the islands off the southern tip of NJ on.  Susan gave me a hard time about the islands.  She told me I didn’t need them but I knew the real Holme fans would notice them missing.  Just like last year it rained the day of but had cleared up by evening. Kathy, Susan & I got down to Belmar early & went to Mom’s Kitchen in Neptune for dinner.  Marian, Donna & Camille were meeting us at the BML later & Sharon was going to be a no-show.  Even though there was going to be food at the Ball, we thought it better not to have to hold food, drink & pocketbooks while wearing our costumes so we ate beforehand.  At the BML we all rushed to get ready.  Everyone giggled when we saw Kathy dressed as Kip.  We wanted to get to the Ball early so we could grab good seats.  A cab was called.  The girls left in costume, however, Susan took her bobble head in a plastic bag to the bar.   I stayed back with Camille.  We both needed a little extra time & she needed someone to part her hair so she could braid it.  I took my car so we would have a place to dump coats, umbrellas, costume parts, goodie bags & cameras during the night. It was a little windy & cool when we arrived at D’Jais.  If you arrived before 9:00 you entered the Ball by way of D’Jais patio.  After 9:00 admission was only $10 & you entered thru the front doors. On the patio artwork that was up for sale was displayed and musician & BAC member Tom Brennan played & sang.  There was no goodie bag this year.  Your door prize was just a D’Jais 2007 VIP Card – which was alright with us!  You were also given a ticket stub to use as an entry to a drawing for a prize of your choice. We ordered drinks as soon as we were able.  We all looked good.  Donna was a romantic, in-vogue buccaneer.  Camille was an Indian girl.  I was the Holme symbol.  Kathy was Kip.  She wore a Kip like boxy shirt, black jeans, black Converse sneakers & wig.  The piece de resistance was the chest hair that peeked through the top of her shirt.  She made a mask out of the best photo she could find of Kip’s face.  It might have been the “invitation to the Ball” she received from the BAC that inspired Marian to be Cinderella -before the ball.  She looked beautiful. Lastly, Susan wore Frank like clothes; baggy carpenter pants & a muted light pumpkin orange tee shirt. She kept her bobble head in the plastic bag on the seat next to her.  None of us had seen it yet.  Even though ticket prices were $15 less than last year, I think less people attended the BB2.  D’Jais was perfect empty for me but I felt bad there wasn’t a better turn out.  I can’t decide whether it was because of the weather report that day or because it was a costume party.  Maybe it was both.  D’Jais was decorated really nice.  The 1st thing I noticed was a pirate image shining thru the glass block windows on the sides of the stage.  It was neat (cool). Frank was walking thru the bar & stopped to say hello.  He was not in costume yet.  Susan was quick to point out to me that he was wearing just the type of clothes I had advised her against wearing (a sweater) & that he had his hair in (samurai) bun.  When he left Susan put on her bobble head.  It was the best!  We were all surprised it had come out so good. The head was made of Paper Mache.  She had used one of my photos of Frank & had purchased synthetic pieces of hair.  She had tried to curl the hair by wrapping it around golf clubs but the curl wouldnot hold.  We couldn’t stop laughing at her.  The funniest thing was everyone said the same thing when they saw her – that they couldn’t stop looking at it but found the head disturbing.  Susan kept the head on from that moment until the end of the night. She also held drum sticks in her hands. We listened to the music wafting thru the side door & took turns checking out the food and prizes. The food looked good, the prizes too!  I had forgotten there was a small coat room in the back of the bar (by the food).  I’m sorry I didn’t check to see if Susan’s umbrella was still there from last year. Very few people were not wearing costumes. Some of the attendees were angels, devils, pirates, fruit, army men, a cat & my most favorite, Austin Powers.  Lynn who I’ve mentioned before in this Blog is a Belmar Arts Council member.  She was kind enough to bring me a beautiful mask made of feathers in Holme colors green & yellow.  She did not want me to be totally costumeless. It was so very sweet of her.  She hadn’t known that I was coming in costume.  The first Holme member we spoke to in costume was Harry.  He was “Joliet” Jake Blues from The Blues Brothers.  He looked adorable.  Peter Schulle stood across the bar from us.  He was Superman!   Billy and his wife came as Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne.  Kip was a vampire in a cool red print smoking jacket.  Stanley was Keith Richards.  A really good Keith Richards.  He had Keith’s mannerisms down – guitar rifts & dangling cigarette included. Like always, Frank was the last to arrive & trust me he was worth the wait.  He was a pirate.  A rock star, Johnny Depp, Rod Stewart in 80’s type pirate.  He was the sexiest I’ve ever seen him.  We all thought he looked hot. When the BAC drew tickets for the prizes they offered, Camille was the 1st to win!  She won 4 tickets to see the Fantastiks on Broadway & Gift Certificates to a restaurant, a spa & a dry cleaner. Beautiful Barbara arrived around 9.  She looked great.  She was dressed as a cheerleader – a Holme cheerleader!  Her skirt, top & pom-poms all matched in Holme yellow & green.  And bless her heart she cheered for them the whole night! She was so into it.  Joe Lepis, Marvelous Marianne, Teresa Sementa & The Playright were there.  Teresa looked adorable in costume.  She loved the Sementa bobblehead. The Playright was dressed as a Groom & he came with a Bride.  Apparently he does not ask women out in bars - he just marries them there!  Joe Lepis took the stage & did his famous rendition of the Monster Mash.  I had forgotten he did it back in the day.  We all danced most of the night.  Pumpkin head buckets hung from the ceiling above the dance floor.  Susan stayed in character the whole night. Kathy led her around the bar because she could not see or hear with the bobblehead on.  Just prior to the end of a band break Kip called “the real Frank” to the stage.  Unbeknownst to anyone Kathy led Susan onto the stage & sat her down behind Frank’s drum set.  There was a lot of audience laughing & then the BAC announced the costume winners.  Susan won for Funniest Costume & I won, I think, for Most Artistic (it was hard to hear the announcer). Our prizes were the same:  Beach carry bag, BAC calendar, coffee mug, tee shirt & beach towel.  Kathy stayed in character too.  She carried a small spray bottle that she filled with water & throughout the night she sprayed her shirt, particularly under the arms to create a true wringing wet, sweaty Kip. Kathy had also made & brought a mask of Richard Gere’s face which she placed at Kip’s feet.  He cracked up. When Peter Schulle went to the microphone up front to sing he picked up the mask & teased Kip with it.   The entire ocean view bar was covered in rubber carved pumpkin heads & they were all lit up.  It was warm out & I was grateful that I had onelast hurrah at D’Jais as I had not been ready for summer to end.  Donna & Marian were tired & left the party earlier than us diehards. And no, Marian did not meet Prince Charming (it was a Bozo Ball after all).  At the end of the night I went out on the porch to call a cab to take us to the Princess Maria Diner in Wall.  Frank asked me what I was doing.  I told him & he asked me if Harry could share our cab as his car had a flat tire.  We said sure.  After a few taxi false alarms we were on our way to the diner.  We were dropped off & Harry continued on home.   We were almost through eating when one of the waitresses started yelling at everyone that it was 3:15 & the diner was closing.  Since the clocks were turned back it was really 2:15 but I guess she refused to acknowledge Daylight Savings Time.  We called a cab & it came right away.  It was another record day for Camille – 14 hrs of drinking (at her Reunion & BB2).  The next day Donna informed me that our favorite cab driver Bill no longer drove for the same cab company.  I guess we’ll try to track him down. We had breakfast at Perkins & then headed home.  Note:  No bagels on menu @ Perkins, Wall Township.   Hope to see you at BB3 in 2007! 

P.S.  Did you get it?  The title of my last entry plus the 1st photo posted with that entry (Charlie) = Frank went Manson on us!

P.S.S.   Thanks for reminding me Susan.  The BEST part of the night was when the band played their very last note and Kip said "And now we're all going to Camille's to watch An Officer & Gentlemen".   We all burst out laughing.  It was so Kip!  We kept cracking up over it the rest of our waking hours and into the next few days. 

Saturday, November 18, 2006


The following entry was written by guest Blogger, Beautiful Barbara*. I didn’t attend this night.  I was still reeling over Sementhead’s tirade. 


Another perfect party night !  It was my birthday..........I got there with bells on during the 2nd set and could not believe how jammed the place was.   Does food really have that effect on people?  I missed the buffet - but it must have been good!  Serve food and they will come !!  Everyone  looked so good too, including our cute bartender wearing a top that reminded my husband Bob to tell me to "pick up melons" this weekend.........ya think?? 
Anyway......almost all the usual suspects were there, MIA - Sharon and Michele, Marisa ................... And yes, another very familiar face in the shadows caught my attention and  I couldn't figure out who it was at first -- then it hit me!!  It was Karen Krauss -- she looked better than I remembered from over 20+ years ago !!!  You never  know who will show up at Planet Holme !
I meet alot of people and they tell me their names but I admit it -- I can't hear what they are saying sometimes, thus, I don't know your name !!   It's the loud music.  Do that for 25 years and you'll be doing sign language too !  I was having a great time.  We said hello to Teresa and Mrs. Conner.  Later Teresa brought me my birthday shot - watermelon -- yum !  She's adorable -- it was great.  Kip segwayed  to "Audience Participation" and we were treated with a song by The Big Bopper then DJ  Charlie sang "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"  -- he nailed it !!  The group  accompanied with many "a winga weta winga weta's" -- or whatever those sounded great !  A little later, it was Jersey  Central Bob's turn to sit in and play drums.  In my own little world,  history was being made -- my entire rock n roll life went totally full circle, seeing my husband play drums with HOLME !  Talk about a time warp !  A nice rockin' rendition of Stone's "Start Me Up".  My life was complete for the moment..........Oh, and MIA Peter Schulle arrived in time to sing that song  -- he had a Cats gig to do - but he came to D'Jais and Kip put him to work  STAT !  It all got better from there --- everyone was dancing and having a great time.  Kip was wringing wet - soaked hair and shirt.  He came back for the 3rd set all dry and wearing a new shirt.  Stan went totally rock and roll when he broke a guitar string..........and hewas looking quite "Puggylicious" in his tight black rock n roll leather pants and white shirt!  Holme really cranks it up with all those Rolling Stones  tunes --- it was intoxicating and all I had was that little shot..........later Bob told me that Frank plays drums with the "other end" of the sticks !  It's a choice, you know - that's what drummers do!   When he was getting ready to play -- he searched for sticks and found some that looked like beavers or termites got to.........then he found the "good ones".  He said "do you think Holme can get some more guitar players up there" !!  I had the best time -- I went Holme for my Birthday !

*Barbara worked for Frank & Kip personally back in the day.  I nicknamed her Beautiful because of her inner & outter beauty.   She is a quick wit and very creative.  I enjoy each & every one of her emails.   Thanks Barbara!


Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Squeaky Frholme- 9/4/06

It was the best of nights; it was the worst of nights.  This is the tale of 2 Franks.  It was the grand finale – the final Monday night of 2006 that Holme would be playing D’Jais (it was also Justin’s mom’s birthday).  The night started out fun enough but it got ugly fast.   In the beginning it was kind of magical.   As a result of the aftermath of Hurricane Ernesto, there was sand everywhere.   There was sand on the sidewalks and in the streets as far up as Avenue A.  It had even penetrated the exterior and interior doors of Dunkin Donuts on Ocean Ave.  Snowplows had created small mountains of sand against the boardwalk.   The street lights shining of them created an illusion of snow.   It was a weird feeling seeing “snow” in the summer.  Inside Holme was not doing it for Donna and Sharon was having Joel problems.  Sharon brought a bottle of Cabo Wabo tequila to our house and she & Donna left D’Jais for a nip.  When they returned it seemed the night began to go a little better for them.  Later they probably wished they’d finishedthe bottle.  During a band break Sharon, Kathy, Beautiful Barbara, Donna, Marian, Marissa and I were outside all talking.  Frank gathered us up and brought us into D’Jais office to give us Labor Day t-shirts.  After the t-shirts were distributed I asked Frank for a 2006 VIP card.  My 13 yr old niece Deanna collects them.  So do I.   Frank knows Deanna since birth and she’s a big fan of his, but I digress.  Frank was kind enough to cough one up.  As we were all walking out of the office onto the porch he told us that he was thinking of making next year’s card a camouflage design.  And this is how it all started.  I told him I do not like camouflage because I feel it promotes war.  Frank began to lecture me about our need for oil and its impact on the economy.  He went on such a tirade that all of the girls disbursed and slinked away but Sharon & I.  When we tried to talk energy alternatives and when Sharon cited Brazil’s non-dependency on oil it incited him further and he began to call us stupid.  His rant lasted for quite sometime – far into Holme playing time.  Quite a few heads turned toward the commotion.  I had not seen that side of Frank for more than a decade.  I bet less than 1% of you have ever experienced that side of Frank at all.  Sharon & I did not take his calling us stupid personally.  We don’t believe he really thinks we’re stupid.  I was a little angry nevertheless.  A short time later some of us girls stood outside D’Jais front door and began to discuss who slept with who in the band.  It was 6 degrees of separation Holme style and I was a little surprised to learn that some had “went with” more than one guy in the band.  When Frank passed us to go back into D’Jais to play I yelled to him “We’re sorry we ever slept with you”.  I made myself laugh and we went back inside to enjoy the rest of the night.  At one point Barbara got up on stage by Steverino and played the tambourine.  It was a dream come true for her to play with the band.  She likened it to being on stage with the Beatles.  We finished the night like most – at the snack bar.  Harry waited on us.  Joel was the topic du jour and Sharon, Barbara, Harry & Chard all partook in tête-à-tête.  At the end of the night Frank came out & stood inside the snack bar right next to us.  He was sharing a guy’s french fries and talking to him well knowing I was in earshot.   He was talking about taking ownership of his friend’s (oil guzzling) Hummer.  We did not speak.  It was not how I usually end my summers.

Love, M.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

wholmever - 8/28/06

It was the 1st day of my vacation & Sharon was sleeping over so there was no need to rush to D’Jais.  We arrived around 9:30 & I got my first drink of the night from Justin – a bay breeze.  For my next drink I asked bartender Jen to concoct something fruity for me.  She mixed me up a drink that tasted like cherry cough syrup & 7up.  It wasn’t exactly what I had hoped for.  It was very crowded so we stood under the windows at the far bar.  We saw Lynn there.  The band wasn’t playing & it was too early for a break.  Lynn told me Holme had started but had to stop due to an equipment problem.  They went back on just after we got there.  We moved toward the side of the stage because this woman who had been seated in front of us at the bar whistled very loudly non-stop during an entire song.  This woman will forever be referred to by us as “the annoying whistler”.

Peter Schulle looked sophisticated in a groovy crisp white shirt, perfect hair & comfortable Pumas.  Kip looked like a true rock star.  He wore sunglasses that made him look EXTREMELY SEXY.  I’ve thought of Kip as good looking & at times little boy cute but had never found him sexy UNTIL NOW.  Accessories can be everything.  When he took the sunglasses off I thought he looked tired or suffering with allergies.  But no – later on he told us the reason why he was wearing sunglasses was he had poked himself in the eye.

My next drink was a Heineken.  That’s when we saw Marianne.  She was back and more marvelous.   Her brother John was with her.  He is cute.  Someone picked up my beer & started drinking it so it was back to Justin’s bar for a couple of white russians (i always mix).  Frank came by & said he should have slept with Sharon & I when he had the chance.  We had offered a 3 way ions ago @ a D’Jais Summer Reunion Party @ Hunka Bunka.  I remember it well because we had frolicked in the water in the kiddie pool on the stage & got a flat tire on the way home just before the Outer Bridge.  We were drenched, it was an extremely cold night & we froze waiting for help to arrive. 

Sharon & I took a trip to the ladies room.  Looking around I thought it really needs sprucing up.  One of the things I noticed was the frame around the mirror was pretty rusted & needs replacing.  On our trip back to the bar we were stopped by a woman who recognized us from this Blog.  She told us her name was Joanne & she introduced us to her married friends, Jerry & Susie.  We spoke to Star Ledger Mike for a few minutes.  I think people have begun to recognize him.

We were then hit with a blast from our past.  Re-Re, who we know from Debbie French came over to us.  We hadn’t seen her in about 20 yrs.  She looks the same.  She had heard about D’Jais’ Monday nights & came to check it out.  She couldn’t believe how crowded it was.  She later emailed me that she had a great time & was surprised by how many people she recognized. 

Sharon & I went back to Justin’s bar.  It was at this time that I came down with a bad case of the loose lips & I told him:  1) that if I were 20 yrs younger & skinny I would have sex with him on the bar with everyone watching and to prove my point 2) I told him about some of my wilder Holme moments – sex on the stage in Foxes, dancing naked in Rock Palace & driving through a Parkway toll booth with one of the guys.  In between 1 & 2 his mom came over, introduced herself and her husband, his dad.

Beautiful Barbara pointed out one time that Kip was always pulling up his pants and sure enough he was doing it again.  We saw Joanne & Jerry twisting,  Mrs. C & Teresa were there.  We danced with the Playwright, it was Rolling Stones Jen (the bartender’s) birthday, Holme did Garden State Parkway Boogie & the Big Bopper sang.  We thought the band sounded sooo good & tight but Sharon heard someone say the “sound sucks”.  There was a point during the night when Pete could not hear when playing the harmonica.  However, the problem was rectified right away

At the end of the night Joanne, Susie & Jerry had moved to Justin’s bar.  Frank & I were talking against the wall.  I discussed the condition of the ladies room with him.  He seemed to agree with me that it needed to be addressed & said it would cost too much to totally redo, however, they may spend a couple of thousand dollars on it.  The name Joanne caused me to ask Frank whether “willowy Joanne” had made an appearance to see the band yet.  Frank pointed to “Susie” and said she was Joanne.  Frank knew which Joanne I was inquiring about but I reminded him of a one-sided fist fight &  beer dumping on a new pair of expensive shoes he experienced in the School House.  That Joanne.  But he said no, it was her.  She didn’t look like willowy Joanne to me but I guess it could have been her.  But calling herself Susie?

Outside before leaving we spoke to Harry & Stanley.  Stanley took credit for Midnight Confessions & all of the British invasion music being sung.  I told him I had suggested Confessions to Kip numerous times & it was a good add to the song list.  I let him know that I’ve been appealing to Kip to do I Think I Love You hoping he might bring it to Kip himself.  Chard was behind the snack bar serving.  We shared french fries with the Playwright & his son Eric.

Sharon couldn’t sleep & left at dawn.  I on the other hand stayed in bed until 3pm because every time I tried to get up waves of nausea hit me.  While composing this entry I won a burial plot @ Hollywood Cemetery in Union.  I turned it down & thanked the caller.  Isn’t Union part of the Holme gray area?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Holme Team - 8/7/06

Since I didn’t take notes (again) and I only stayed for the 1st set, I am reduced to a hodgepodge of ramblings:

Holme finally added the Grassroots’ “Midnight Confessions” to their song list.  I had been championing for it via email to Kip for quite some time.  They also did The Shirelles “Baby It’s You”.  Actually they more likely did the Beatles version (circa 1963).

Rich the Playwright has asked me to post a retraction to something I said about him on this Blog.  So here it goes…. He never asked my friend out in D’Jais.  In fact, according to Rich, he has never asked any woman out in bar. 

Donna & Marian went to see Mr. Playwright in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.  They said the play was good, he was good & the small fairy children adorable.

I forgot to mention Maureen & Ilona were there with us July 31st.

Beautiful Barbara’s husband’s band, Jersey Central, will be playing The Cabin, Rt. 33, Howell on Oct. 21st.   They’re great & play a wide selection of music.  9 of us went to see them recently & everyone enjoyed them immensely.  A sample of their song list:  Beginnings, Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band , Vertigo , I need a Lover , The Letter ♥♥,  Angel Of  Harlem, Bitch, Superstition, 25 or 6 to 4, Vehicle, Crossfire, One Way Out, Theme From An Imaginary Western, Jet, Knock On Wood, I Don't Wanna' Go Home & Dance to The Music ♥♥♥

Check back soon. 

Love, M






Thursday, August 31, 2006

Holme Fries - 7/31/06

We had so much fun the week before that Donna, Marian & I returned to D’Jais for more.  Mr. T. McGraw look-a-like greeted Donna at the door with a “Hello Beautiful”.  We were off to a good start.  I had made a “I ♥♥ Justin” button to wear to his birthday party last week but had forgotten it at home.  Before I left my house this night I scooped it up from my nightstand to take with me.  My dad was coming over & I didn’t want him to speculate about my love life.  I wore it in D’Jais & it was hit with Justin.  Toward the end of the night I passed it onto Patty his co-bartender & she wore it with pride.  Who doesn’t love Justin?

The band added a new song to their repertoire - “Rosalita”.  Harry not only sings it, he owns it!  It’s a real keeper.  A reader of this Blog named Lynn introduced herself to me.  She had been a bartender @ D’Jais for a year back in the day & had traveled from Pennsylvania to see the band. She’s very nice but reluctant to have her photo posted.  Bobby Banderia’s son joined Holme onstage for a tune or 2.  Frank was kind enough to grant my request for tee shirts for D & M.  I hadn’t known that Donna had really wanted one.  Peter told us his grandchild saw his photo on this Blog.  After the band went off I sat at Justin’s bar & continued to drink while Donna & Marian went out to the snack bar.  They were having french fries when the Playwright stopped by.  They offered him some fries but he refused them saying he tries to stay away from the stuff.  Donna & Marian informed him they are worth every gram of fat in them.  Sometime during the night (maybe at the snack bar) the Playwright informed them he was going to appear in a play the next weekend in a park in Spring Lake.  The play was Shakesphere’s “A Mid-Summers Night Dream”.    As this encounter was going on a fight suddenly broke out across the bar from me.  I couldn’t tell you anything about it other than no one saw it coming & Bill Ludeke was involved.  When the fight emptied onto the street outside, Donna came into the bar to make sure I was safe.  She found me sitting at the bar with a big smile on my face.   That was the memory she took away with her from the night.    

Love, M


Thursday, August 24, 2006

Holme Boy - 7/24/06

Me, Donna & Marian and no work the next day.  It was Justin’s birthday.  It was partyville.   We had a celebrity sighting of Tim McGraw at the door.  Steverino greeted me on bended knee and kissed my hand.  Justin was honored by his friends with cake (both the food & girl type).  Kip looked tired.  DJ Charlie did a fresh one “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” and it was good!   Firemen Glen, Al & John were there.  I hadn’t seen Al or John in about 15 yrs.  Glen said he was there the week before too but I hadn’t seen him.  He also said he feels young @ D’Jais compared to the Columns crowd & he is bored of retirement.  I can’t even imagine.  On break we took our drinks out on the porch.  Harry stopped by & asked after Sharon.  Frank sat down & chatted up.   I asked if the Hummer in the parking lot was his.  I thought not – it wasn’t him but Fireman Glen thought it was.  Frank does drive it but I was right.   When he left the table I noticed the curly light wiring on the porch was clean.   A short time ago I pointed out to Frank that it was grossly dirty.  I never got the chance to ask him if it had been cleaned by someone on staff or by the torrential rains we had.  Back in the bar Stanley’s biggest fans put on tee shirts that read “We know who John Eddie is but who the hell is Stanley K?”  Stanley wore one too.  Later Pete again reminded me he was the only drinking member of Holme.  I corrected him – he & Joel are the only drinking members of Holme.   Pete also questioned my quoting the Bible on this Blog.   I didn’t know I had until Donna & Marian confirmed it.  For those wondering:  I Corinthians 13:4.

Special Note to FJS: I hope you get it - you’re rich in the one thing money can’t buy you.  

Love, M.    


Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Who Says You Can't Go Holme? - 7/17/06

I could not be bought with food.  It took the big guns – Bobby & Puggy plus nudging from my sister & Camille being on vacation down the shore to quickly end my boycotting of Holme.  It was very crowded. It seemed the entire fan base was there.  I wasn’t sure Puggy would really show & when I arrived at D’Jais Marisa told me he had just been there with his daughter & had left.  I have very mixed feelings about Puggy & am very guarded around him but I still felt a little let down.

Kip introduced Bobby by telling the crowd he was an original member of Holme & is now a member of Bon Jovi & would be playing Giants Stadium the next night.  Bobby then said “but it won’t be anything like this”.  Everyone laughed.  Kip said they had learned a new song & had practiced all day.  The band then went into Neil Young’s “Like A Hurricane”.   It’s my favorite song that Bobby does & Holme played it excellently!  I wish they could continue to play it.  Like I said Marisa was there & she had a new fabuuuulous hairdo.  Joe & Sarah Lepis came.  Then Puggy appeared.  We kissed, we chatted, we went to the side of the stage.  I told him he had to do Brass in Pocket.  It had been one of his signature songs when he was in the band (another being Pretty Woman).  He said he couldn’t because he didn’t know the words.  Unthinkable!  I offered to write the words down for him but he was not interested.  I encouraged him to tongue Bobby like he used to in the old days & when he went on stage he tried to but Bobby wasn’t having it.  Puggy sang 2 songs – Brown Eyed Girl & Satisfaction.  Like Puggy we’re from Jersey City so we loved it when he changed the words in B.E.G. from “behind the stadium with you” to “behind Roosevelt Stadium with you”.  I didn’t notice but Sharon said Puggy forgot the words to Satisfaction & that Kip had tried to help him but it was futile.  When he left the stage he came by & told me he was working on a CD of Neil Diamond songs - again Unthinkable! – and to email him.  Later Joe Lepis said to me that Puggy should have done Brass in Pocket.  This night Bobby didn't mingle with masses.  Oh and I almost forgot, Kevin Cavanaugh played with the band.  Chard seemed to be digging Kathy K.  She told him how we saw his twin last week at the Columns & he said “poor guy”.  We went outside for food during a break.  Take note – don’t order the pretzels.  More often than not they’re as hard as rocks.  Kip came through the snack bar & asked for Camille (who was in the ladies room at the time).  He said he wanted to tease her about how she used to like Richard Gere.  I informed him she still does.  Camille returned. She was very tan.  Frank came by touched her arm & said she was burned.  Frank has forever been very anti sun & he started to tell Camille how bad taking the sun is when I reminded him that cigarettes & drinking were also bad for you.  He said he’d quit smoking around Christmas & told us a story of why he quit.  If you know Frank you know that I am being grammatically correct when I say “a” story.  Anyhoo, it had to do with Belmar’s Mayor Pringle explaining addiction to him.  Kip called Frank back into the bar to play & we were all left perplexed by Frank’s story.  None of us really got it.  Needless to say I was extremely happy that Frank quit smoking.

Love, M.


Wait - One last thing - Frank & Kip bought D’Jais with Holme money.  My friends and I sometimes went to see Holme 4 nights a week to places as far away as Ship Bottom (Joe Pop’s) and Randolph (Final Exam) and we paid to see them.  After Holme disbanded we went to D’Jais 3-4 times a week.  Lots of their fans did the same thing.   The Holme fan base was their bread & butter back then & had it not been for their fans Frank & Kip could well have ended up on welfare.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Holme Away From Holme - 7/9/06

For once the band began on time.  There were some fresh songs like Pour Some Sugar on Me, Livin' on a Prayer and Me & Julio Down by the School Yard.  Of course they played their regular songs like Runaway & American Girl.  We were told the band would take requests but only if they were written on a napkin.  The breaks were long as they sometimes are.  It was Kathy, Sharon & me.  The crowd was composed of mostly couples.  I swore I saw Chard in the crowd but was later proved wrong.  Glen the Fireman who had a shore house on 14th next to ours in the early 80’s walked in.  He’s 54, single & just retired.  He remembered all of our names & said we had the same hairdos we did in the 80’s.  He’s right.

We were hungry & decided to grab some fries @ D’Jais snack bar.  We were waiting for our food when Patty Conner stopped to chat with us.  She told me she has read my Blog. Kip had shown it to her.  I tried to explain to her that I had always been critical of the band but she assured me that the band respected my opinion.  She told us there were photos of us on Angelo’s PhotoShow.  At that point Kip came by & Patty asked him about Angelo’s photos.  I told Kip I was still mad at him over July 3rd & not to talk to me.  Patty informed us they were going to have a nice buffet the next Monday to make up for the band not playing the 3rd.  A peace offering?  Evidence that all of your emails did rock Kip’s world.  I had emailed Kip almost daily with my tirades over the 3rd and my thoughts on how the band should have handled the situation.  I truly thought the band to be unfair to their fans.  I was told last year that D’Jais makes more money on Holme’s Monday nights than they do on Sundays.  My theory on this is the Sunday crowd is drugging and the Monday crowd is drinking.  What Holme should have done was played at another venue for happy hour let’s say 4 – 7:00.  They could have found a drummer to sit in for Frank for the afternoon leaving him to tend to D’Jais.  Kip could have been back at D’Jais by 7:30.  It would have been a win-win situation.  In addition, the band would have been paid by the other venue putting money in Kip’s pocket. Hey the band could have even continued to play after Kip left.  Another way they could have gone was to charge everyone $10 to get in voiding all VIP cards for the holiday.  Lastly they could have had a guest player to draw a larger crowd (like when Bobby plays with them). The 20 yr olds had Z100 Friday, Saturday & Sunday.  Trust me, they were not going to abandon D’Jais & frequent other clubs in the future if Holme had played that Monday. 

Friday, July 28, 2006

Holmecoming Dance - 6/19/06

This entry is short, uneventful & contains virtually no mention of the band because I did not jot down any notes during the night.  You see, our friend Maureen finally made an appearance at D'Jais.  Like everyone else she used to go see Holme back in the day.  Maureen had a classic punk rock look then & still does to some degree.  She was known for licking eyeballs & writing funny letters to us.  The letters were quirky stories involving people we knew & sometimes had Holme characters in them.  She grew up in Jersey City & is Camille's cousin.  Her Holme claim to fame was kissing Bobby.  I hadn't seen Maureen for a few years.  She & her friend Ilona were already having a drink at Justin's bar when Susan & I walked in.  Justin saw us & asked where I have been.  He said it was about a month since they'd last seen me.  It was actually only 2 weeks but you know how screwed up time is in Holme speak.  Steverino blew us kisses.  Later I told him not to call Joel with job offers anymore and from stage he pretended to erase Joel's number from his cell phone.  Sharon & Kathy - who has the longest ride of all of us - showed up shortly after we did & my brother walked in too.  He was a very funny guy before he made the worst mistake of his life.  He was the resident DJ at the Showboat (later called Pyramids) in Jersey City.  We loved going there because David would always play all of our favorite disco tunes for us.  I had a glimpse of the old David when he said to Maureen - I left my girlfriend home why didn't you?  We had always danced with Maureen when Holme played the Ramones so I asked Kip to play I Wanna Be Sedated & dedicate it to her.  When the band began to play it we immediately headed to the dance floor.  It's funny how girls always do that.  No matter where they are in the bar when the band or DJ begins to play "their song" they instantly stop what they're doing and make their way to the dance floor.   In checking with Sharon, Kathy & Susan none of them could remember anything having to do with band that night.  The only interesting tidbit Susan was able to offer up was it was the 3rd time she brought an umbrella toD'Jais and the 1st time she went home with one.  Love, M  

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Holme Invasion - 5/29/06

First things first.  Joel-Joel-Joel-Joel-Joel. He’s all anyone wants to talk about.  I don’t know what the band will tell you but I can tell you he’s working on a life goal.  He has forsaken all others.  That’s what you do.  Remember, love is patient; it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things & endures all things.   Let’s all just let Joel be please.  This includes you too Steverino.

Okay, so it’s Memorial Day Monday.  Sharon & I parked on 19th. When we turned onto Ocean we saw a small crowd outside D’Jais’ entrance.  The 1st person we ran into was Steverino.  He told us it was packed inside.  The next person we came upon was D’Jais Pete.  I kissed him hello.  Since it appeared there was a line to get in & it was crowded inside I went over to Frank waved my hand and said “get us right in”.  He in turned & yelled to the person at the door, waived his hand and told them to “get us right in”.  And so the joke was on us when it turned out there was really no line and it was empty inside.  Well empty by 1980’s, 1990’s standards.

It turns out the people in the bar were the 20 yr. olds left over from happy hour.

Holme had advertised a 7:00 start time which as you know in Holme speak meant 8:00.

P. Conner, Kip’s daughter & T. Sementa were there.  I told Sharon I don’t like Frank’s blue drums because you play blue drums in your high school band – not on stage.  I wonder what happened to the beautiful ones he played last summer.  The 20 yr. olds were still there when the band went on.  The 1st song sung was Twist & Shout.  The kids danced to it probably because they knew it from wedding receptions.  Then it was Badfinger. Next the Monkee’s I’m a Believer which the kids know from seeing Brian Kirk.  After that it was Glory Days.  Their parents played Bruce all the time when they were growing up.  At this point there was trouble with a piece of equipment on stage.  I don’t know what the thing was for but it looked like something out of Star Trek and my thought was Holme almost lost contact with their mothership.  Kip then sang Runaway which the caused the kids to look dazed & confused.  Right after this song the dance floor belonged to the older crowd.  The kids that were still around went wild at Holme’s next tune, Bo Bice’s “Sweet Home Alabama”.  A lot of drinks were dropped & the floor was very wet.  We heard Satisfaction, Should I Stay, American Girl.  I met Pels from this blog.  She introduced herself & I was sorry I didn’t say more & didn’t bring my camera.  I left it at home because I didn’t want to become the annoying photographer myself.  During break some kid said the band was no good.  I thought he should only know his mom probably laid one of the guys in the band.  Faux Puggy (FP) played the opening cords to Devo’s Girl U Want.  It sounded good & I got excited.  Unfortunately it was not on the songlist.  Stanley was only playing with our heads.  DJ Charlie did the only song he knows (or is allowed to sing?).  Kip said everyone there was multi-talented.  The moldie oldies continued: Runaround Sue, 867-5309 (FP), Suspious Minds, Mustang Sally, Pretty Woman, Willy Bully.

Break was interesting.  Sharon & I hung out at the snack bar & I loaded up on french fries with mustard.  Sementa turned me onto the mustard.  We met a guy named Mike, a drummer who had been in Bystander and was now under contract to play on Broadway in Jersey Boys.  Harry joined us & we learned that Mike had been in an original band with him before Cats on A Smooth Surface was formed.  Make Note: Harry says D’Jais’ has the best coffee.  We then met Roberta also from this blog.  She was very complimentary to me & too kind.  The Playwright (from Donna Rocco night) seemed to know her and joined us.  He was extremely funny.  He did not seem to know of this blog.  He should only know he asked my friend out once & I have referred to him a couple of times on this blog over the past year.  Everyone dissipated & Sharon & I wandered down to the parking lot.  We saw Chard carrying a small black case & inquired of it.  He said he was going to join the band when they sang The Rolling Stones’ Ruby Tuesday.  I was intrigued.  In 1970 it was one of my favorite songs.  Believe it or not Chard did partake and he played the flute piece!

Later when Sharon & I were leaving to go home we saw Chard sitting by the parking lot cleaning his flute.  We told him how good he was, the song was.  At this time Theresa joined us.  Chard told us he was listening to classical music by Scarlatti  & heard the piece Brian Jones had lifted & used in Ruby Tuesday.   In conversation Theresa mentioned my house around the corner.  Chard seemed surprised I have a house close by.  For the past 3 yrs. he’s seen me around D’Jais almost every weekend May-October.  Did he really think I drove to Belmar Mondays & weekends?  Anyway he said he was going to drop by for a drink.  I told him I had a great veranda to have drinks on & I invited Theresa to come by anytime for one too.

After Sharon & I left I wondered whether Theresa had thought Brian Jones had been a former member of Holme…

I hope you enjoy these few photos of Holme memorabilia.

Love, M.


Friday, July 14, 2006

2-Fers MONDAY - JULY 17th

** Holme announcement states Bobby Bendyourearoff is a definite player this Monday.  I understand Puggy was planning on showing up too.**

I have been boycotting Holme over the July 3rd debacle but cannot miss this Holme Coming!   Hope to see you there.

If anyone can confirm Puggy's appearance it would be appreciated.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Holmeburg - 5/15/06

Monday Night, D’Jais, Frank & Kip’s Birthday Celebration.

It was me, Kathy & Sharon.  There was a “birthday” t-shirt giveaway and we all were handed one at the door.  Kathy & I both wore old Frank & Kip Birthday Party t-shirts.  Kathy wore a 1984 D’Jais red one and I wore a Hunka Bunka one.  I brought the birthday cake / candle sunglasses that I wore at my recent birthday party.  I knew Frank would like them and wear them – which he did.

Stanley who we call Faux Puggy wore sneakers.  Somebody – capezios please.  Max Mara is currently selling patent leather Capezios in black or white.  I saw them there with my own eyes.  Our friend Debbie French still has her original green ones.  I still have my Capezio ballet slippers.  One pair in metallic pink and another in metallic blue but then again they were not rock n’ roll Capezios, mine were disco ones.  Kip wore a shiny green button down Kip shirt.  He told us his daughter bought it for him.  She told him it was a rock n’ roll shirt.  Kip said it looked St. Patrick Day-ish.   We all liked it.

Birthday pizza with candles was brought out and served and funny hats were handed out to all.  My brother, his girlfriend Diane & his friend Todd – an old DJ from D’Jais showed up straight from seeing the Go-Go’s @ Starland Ballroom.  Diane is the proprietor of The Quarter Mile Grill in Old Bridge.  Be sure to stop in for something to eat if you’re in the area.  Kathy left 1st.  Sharon & I left shortly thereafter.  The next day I called my mom & happily reported that all 3 of her children were out together and there were no fights to report.   Love, M.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Holme Opener - 5/6/06

I arrived around 9:00.  I knew it was crowded before I walked in because I had to park 3 blocks away.  I used my courtesy card a/k/a VIP card at the door.

Nearly all of the famous were there.  It appears the party dragnet had been cast.  There were the boys - Red, Playwright, Star Ledger Mike & his friends.  The Staff - Jen, Ashton, Charlie, Bill, the Annoying Photographer, Pete (xmgr) AJ (Clancys).  The Diehards - Beautiful Barbara, Marissa, Cathy, Marianne, Howie Stein.  The Gueststars - Sean Schulle, Bobby Banderia.  The Family - Mrs. Conner, Aunt Pat, Theresa Sementa, Gail Sementa.  Us - Kathy, Sharon, Charlotte & her husband Mike, Jane & Mike’s relatives Holly & Ricky.  Just to name a few.

It was D’Jais opening day & 1st smoke free day. 

I miss Joel big time.  The consensus seems to be Chris Daughtry looks like Joel.  Kathy thinks we may have the beginnings of a Holme tribute band – Chris Daughtry as Joel & Stanley as Puggy.  Was it coincidence that Holme did Suspicious Minds during Elvis week on Idol?  They have performed the song in the past but not for awhile.  Stanley sang Chris Isaak’s Wicked.   I could see him singing Brian Ferry/Roxy Music.  Holme has also added the Rolling Stones’ The Last Time to their repertoire.  They keep missing the boat on the Stones. They’ve lost sight of the fact that they kick ass on the hardcore stuff (Sympathy & Gimme Shelter) and as such should be doing Monkey Man & the like.  I guess I should just be happy they’re not doing Emotional Rescue (yet). 

Bobby Banderia arrived during their 1st set.  Stardom has been good for him.  He’s never looked so great.  Not even 25 years ago.   He offered to buy me a drink & let me take photos.  He asked where Kathy was & for gum.  I declined his offer.  When his drink came he said it was a big drink & that it had a big straw.  He also said the bar was packed.  I found Kathy.  I knew she’d have gum for him & she did.  She told him she had seen  him with Bon Jovi when they played @ Continental Arena in Dec. & had tried to get his attention but apparently he didn’t see her.  He asked her “Did you try & throw your panties on stage?”  Kathy said he was funny in his usual way.  

Later poor Bobby had to play I’m a Believer and poor Michele had to listen to him play Mustang Sally.

When Harry did Wully Bully Sharon said it was Harry Gone Wild.  Charlie the dj sang My Girl.
Beautiful Barbara pointed out to me that Kip was pulling his pants up the whole night.   The words were not even out of her mouth when I saw him do it!  Barbara brought up Peter Gagen.   Both of our brains were foggy about him.  In the end we thought he was the drummer in Cats.  Someone please correct us if we’re wrong.  By the way, Barbara’s husband’s band
Jersey Central will be playing the Columns next Saturday – 5/20.  Camille & I used to see Jersey Central before we ever saw Holme.  

The sax player du jour was a Sopranos look a like.  Steverino must have had a gig with his band Celebration.  How can we bond when he’s only there ½ the time?

Ashton’s now running the food concession @ D’Jais.  He told me all of his ex-girlfriends were vegetarians.  I’m hoping they’ll be some new items on the menu for vegetarian me.  He’s very excited about the menu he’s chosen for Friday afternoon buffet.  I had my favorite D’Jais food – French fries (crinkle) with mustard & ketchup.

Sharon & I left around 12:00.  My left foot was swollen & I was really tired from Susan’s wedding festivities.  She tied the knot on Cinco DeMayo.  I was Maid of Honor.  Kathy & I had contemplated not going to D’Jais because we were so tired.  In the end Kathy was really glad she dragged herself out and I was too.  Sharon & I stopped @ Dunkin Donuts before heading home. I had astrawberry frosted.  Sharon had a variety of kinds.  Lastly, I wanted to update you on Marianne.  She sprained her ankle at Bar-A last month – dancing I assume - and had to use crutches the first couple of days of her vacation. 

Love, M

P.S.  Everyone's been weighing in about how Kip spells his name.  It's 2 p's on the Holme website.  But apparently Kip was a big letter writer 25 yrs ago and signed his letters with only 1 p.  This wouldn't even be an issue if he used his given name!  It's never spelled with 2 s's!

And I assume Sean Schulle played with the band their last set.