Thursday, December 22, 2005

Holme for the Holidays

Hey Guys

I rented a car so it's Holme for Holidays for me tonight.     Holme's Christmas party is at Clancys tonight.   It's time to get into the real holiday spirit.   So dig out your Santa hats,  jingle bells and red sweaters.  Give yourself a break from shopping, wrapping & cooking.   Instead of watching It's a Wonderful Life, let's LIVE a wonderful life!  The weather is right so get in your sleighs and head on down to Neptune to sing along with Holme to Christmas favorites like Jingle Bell Rock.   I really, really hope you'll come tonight.  In any event, you'll be Holme for Christmas if only in my dreams.   Love, M

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Retirement Holme - 11/15

They're advertised as the band for Baby Boomers.  I dislike those words for 2 reasons.  They remind me of my age and that I have no real money in my 401K plan.  Soundgarden is in Lodi off Rt. 46 East.  It's located in a strip mall - at least there's parking.   It was only $5 to get in.  Kathy & her friend Bill were already there when Sharon & I showed up.  Soundgarden is close to Kathy's home so she was very happy they were playing there.  The floor was littered with little prohibition type tables with tablecloths & candles on them.  We were lucky to get one in front.  I estimate less than 50 people showed.  Joel pointed out that the Stickle (sp?) Bridge girls were there.  The stage there is high, too high.  About 3' high.  You had to look up.  It felt like you were in the 1st row of a movie theater.  At first the lighting was terrible.  Just day glow green lights shining down on the band.  They guys looked like alien life forms.  I am thinking maybe the lighting guy used the green color to connect to the band's signature colors.  The music during break time was too loud.  Napkins stuffed in your ears and then some loud.

Kip was back from vacation.   He looked great.  His hair was coiffed, he had on black jeans, a soft very white shirt (worn outside) and what looked like new black Converse sneakers (not hightop).  Bill had never been and his impression 1st set during Twist & Shout was "are they a wedding band?"  However, he changed his mind 2nd set and found them to be quite good.  There weren't many people on the dance floor but almost everyone danced to Brass in Pocket.

I asked Frank about my lost sunglasses.  He said he looked for them but didn't find them and now some Mexican is wearing them.  Frank can be so funny.  When I went to buy drinks for me & Sharon the bartender was not going to charge us because he thought we were with the band.  I was cracking up.  I could see why he thought that of Sharon - she was wearing leather pants & see thru top.  I was anything but.  I was dressed in my very old, very faded jeans, thermal high neck top & clogs!  I made the bartender take my money.   I almost never take free drinks.  Kathy said I should mention Howie Stein on my Blog to see if anyone knows where he is.  He should show up one night (he may already have & I missed him).  The last I saw Howie he was ushering or working security at Continental Area.  At the end of the night we were the last to leave other than the band or club workers.  Kathy & I were standing by the doorway waiting for Sharon to come out of the ladies room.  Harry was leaving & asked Kathy & I if we were waiting for "the love birds?"  We laughed.  Then we all proceeded to the front door.  It was locked.  Harry opened it & told us he was once locked in the Fast Lane in Asbury Park overnight but fortunately was not alone at the time.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Make Yourself at Holme - 11/6

Another benefit.  This time its Christmas toys for Hurricane Katrina kids.  Venue was D'Jais!  Price of entry was $10 & to bring a toy.  Advertisement stated "Special Guests".  It's me, Marian, Donna & Sharon again.  It was pretty empty early on.  Later the crowd swelled to around 300.  Tow other friends, Charlotte & Jane showed up.  They had never been but had heard about the band from friends.

Kip was a no show.  He was away on a family vacation in Florida.  Vinny from Cats on a Smooth Surface was substitute bassist.  He was the "Special Guest".  Here I was thinking Bobby maybe because Bon Jovi was playing the CMA in NYC 2 days later.   Or DeRosa or Graylick because it's a Sunday afternoon @ D'Jais in November.   Joel pretty much led the band.  It was just not the same without Kip.  We spoke to Frank.  We told him about that New Years Eve @ D'Jais that we always reminisce about - how it still ranks as the best of all the New Years Eve parties we've ever been to.  I told Sementa that throwing the confetti in front of the big fans was how I thought of my idea to be cremated & have my ashes flown into every nook & cranny of D'Jais.  He said it wouldn't work because people would get my ashes in their eyes, which is true because we had gotten confetti in our mouths.   He said instead he would be willing to throw my ashes into the paint when they paint D'Jais in the Spring (after I die).  I will have to loose weight before I die or else there will be noticeable lumps on D'Jais walls.  Anyway, Vinny really didn't sing so there were no signature Kip songs.  A bicycle was raffled.  I lost my black sunglasses with rhinestones on the side.  I may have left them in the ladies room or they fell on the floor by the bar where we were standing.  When I got home I called Frank & asked Theresa to tell Frank to hold onto them for me if he found them.

Message for Glendella76:  I cracked up when I read your comment.




Monday, November 21, 2005

Homeopathy - 11/5

The word of the day was Persistent spelled e-n-t not a-n-t.

Holme played at a benefit for a family with 2 sick children and a ton of medical bills.  The benefit was held @ Bar-A.  Marian, Donna & I got there as the band was setting up.  We ran into Kip & Harry outside.  Kip said "Hi Girls".  Donna really liked he said girls.  Once plugged in Joel came over to us.  We chatted.  He wasn't feeling well and had canceled his gigs before & after this benefit.  I went over to Peter Schulle to ask if Cats on a Smooth Surface had a website.  I had surfed the web for one and found none.   We used to go see Holme with every intention to stay until closing (Let's Go Ladies).  However, once Holme started playing Build Me Up Buttercup or Mony, Mony we would roll our eyes, look at each other and leave to go see Cats.  Years later we would leave Holme to see Cats and leave Cats to see Glen Beandip (Burtnik) or Bobby Bendyourearoff (Banderia) or Pugster's band, The End.  One of the highlights of seeing Cats was seeing Harry sing & move to "Pump It Up".   Anyway, I had wanted to check Cats' schedule and pop in to see them.  Unfortunately they do not have a website.  In speaking to Peter I learned that he had cut an album of original tunes with Emmett Findley in 1971.  How interesting is that?   I would love to hear it.

Harry said it didn't feel right playing so early in the day and I agreed.  He sang a few lines of "Michelle" to me.

Kip looked fabulous in the cherry red shirt he was wearing.  It made all the difference in the world to see color up on stage.  In addition the lighting in Bar-A was superior to the lighting they use for the band in D'Jais.  It wasn't just unflattering red lights beaming on them.  During the 1st set they played a new Beatles song whose title escapes me now.  I was thrilled they added another song to their repertoire but not as thrilled as I would be in the 2nd set. Sharon showed up midway through the 1st set.   Joel seemed happy to see her.  I wrote on a napkin "The Word of the Day is Persistant" and put it in front of Joel.  When they broke he came over to talk to Sharon.  He told me I had spelled Persistent wrong that it was ent not ant.  I told him I knew it as soon as I wrote it.  Sharon asked what we were talking about and I said that Joel was smarter than me.  Joel corrected me and said not smarter, just a better speller.

During the 2nd set, to my surprise and amazement, they played another new song "Brass In Pocket".  Kip told the crowd the song went out special to me, that I wanted it and I got it.  I had put it on my wish list either in an email on the Holme website or I told Kip to play it when speaking to him during the Summer.   It was the BESTEST surprise.  I felt famous and I felt powerful.   Joel sang it and the twist they put on it blew me away. Joel came over to Sharon again during break but there was no talking.  

The 3rd set another new song!   Joe Jackson!  2 Holme runs!!!  Now if I can just get them to do Lola, Pump it Up,The Breakup Song (Greg Kihn) Someday Someway & Switching to Glide & Tired of Towing the Line.  I'd also love for them to do the Rolling Stones version of Bob Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone, Aerosmith's Walk This Way, I Think I Love You (Partridge Family) Respect, Nancy Sinatra's These Boots are Made for Walking & a medley of David Bowie songs.  Joel was asking the audience for a lozenge from the stage and unbelievably Sharon had Halls Spearmint lozenges in her truck.  She retrieved them for Joel.

Other than the days when Camille & I would drive down to Bar-A to have a drink & watch some TV I had never had a good time at Bar-A.  I never left it feeling that I couldn't wait to go back until seeing Holme there.  It was fun.  A good time was had by all!  Afterwards Marian & Red went on the Boathouse and continued their party.  Donna, Sharon & I went to 507 Main for Pizza.

Stayed Tuned:  I was given some exciting news about one of the members of the band but was asked not to post it yet. 

Thanks:  To Kip and the guys for Brass In Pocket.

Correction:  I made a mistake on the photo of posted of us circa 1981.  That's Kathy M's friend, Ellen in the picture, not Sharon.

Note to Marian:   Blog is posted now you owe us the rest of the story.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Holme Remedy - 10/8

I was asked:  “Was the Ball a ball?”  My answer:  “I fell 3 times!”

The 1st annual Beaux Eaux Ball was held at D’Jais to benefit the Belmar Arts Council (BAC).  The BAC helped D’Jais in their fight against the Town of Belmar.  Tickets were $50.  For your money you got 1 ½ hrs open bar, food, a goodie bag and Holme.  There was also an art show on D’Jais porch and a raffle of prizes.  Camille, Susan, Sharon, Donna, Marian and I went.  Most of us stayed at the Belmar Motor Lodge.  The BML has not changed an iota in 20 yrs.  They still have the “no guests after 10 pm” rule.  The room rate was $60 and you got what you paid for.  We went out to eat before the benefit.  There was no way we were going to eat small portions of food and stand to do it.  Also, as I am a vegetarian I always eat before any party.  Camille’s choice was Mom’s Kitchen in Neptune.  Susan didn’t care as long as they had liquor.  We feasted and then went back to our rooms to get ready.  Camille packed light.  Lucky for her I over packed.  She wore my white curly ruffle tux shirt and Sharon’s rhinestone belt.  We were all dressed sparklee.  Sharon wasn’t staying the night so she took her p/u truck to D’Jais.  The rest of us took a taxi.  The cab driver seemed a little surprised we were going to D’Jais as it had closed for the Summer.  He hadn’t heard about the benefit.  We filled him in and he said he had an uncle like Frank Sementa (whatever that meant).  I told him I had been married to Frank for about a second and he found it admirable that we got along so well that I could go to D’Jais.   We were given a red clown nose at the Ball.  We didn’t need them as I had mailed everyone one earlier in the week to wear as an accessory.   We got our goody bags and put them in Sharon’s truck.  Late we found that one of the goodies you got was a 2006 D’Jais courtesy card!   The open bar part was fun.  Jen & Ashton look-a-like were bartending.  Ashton’s mom had been at D’Jais a few weeks prior.  I asked him whether women thanked his mom for having such a cute son.  He said yes and that she was embarrassed being asked.   The open bar made it feel like D’Jais past ala 6 beers for a dollar as my friends were ordering rounds 6 at a time.  Too bad they can’t charge $50 every night and give you open bar.  The $50 fee also kept the crowd at a nice number.  You were able to maneuver on the dance floor and keep your place at the bar.  None of us won the raffle, none of us cared.  Donna, Marian & I had the best New Years Eve of our lives at a D’Jais theme night party in the 80’s.   I don’t know how the subject came up but we reminisced about how there had been so much confetti dumped in front of giant fans that open champage bottles ended up being full of it and when we went home and took off our dresses confetti fell out.  There was confetti all over their house that Summer and Belmar for days.  It was at that party that I decided I wanted to be cremated and have my ashes dumped in front of those fans so that I would be in every nook and cranny in D’Jais forever partying in my favorite place in the whole wide world.

Donna & Marian are from Staten Island via Brooklyn and had never seen Holme before.  Sharon had but not this year.  They all loved them and wished they had gone to see them during the Summer.

We saw Joel across the bar and Sharon held up her arm and licked her armpit.  He came right over and I introduced Sharon as the girl he had sex with at my shore house.   He told me he finally ready my Blog.   We discussed its contents and he gave me carte blanc to write anything I want about him good or bad.  He told me I shouldn’t be writing according to who talked or paid attention to me.  Joel took note that except for Susan we all had pointy shoes on.  Kip also took note of Camille’s shoes telling her he had never seen her in such high heels before (not true). 

Kevin Kavanaugh substituted for Peter Schulle who probably had a prior commitment with Cats on a Smooth Surface that night.h

We were wrecked.  When Frank saw us all together he said: “Just like old times”.  I told him I’ve always loved him and added the disclaimer that I was very drunk.

Sharon was leaving early and Susan, Camille & I did our best to keep her there.  We all took turns wrapping ourselves around her and jumped up and down to the music.  Surprisingly I did not fall then.

Marian met a guy and dance the whole night with him.

The first 2 times I fell going out the door onto D’Jais porch to view the artwork.  The 3rd time was a doozie (or so I am told).  I got everyone on the dance floor to dance to I Wanna Be Sedated and just as the song began, I fell backwards onto the floor hitting the side of my head against a pole as I went down.  Everyone rushed to help me up and sit me down and the bartenders immediately made me an ice pack for my head.  I was laughing and still drinking.  When the band came off stage, Harry asked me what happened and Billy kissed the cut on my head.  Camille says she will never hear that song in the same way again.

We we left our taxi driver (Bill) was waiting for us.  We made him take us to  Dunkin Donuts and he came in with Donna, Marian & me and ordered along with us.  He dropped us off at the BML and then took Marian’s dance partner home.  When we got back to the room I realized I had left my camera in the taxi so I called “Mr Taxi Driver” and he said he’d bring it to me at the hotel.  When he returned with it he stayed awhile hanging out with us in the lobby.  He owns the cab company and we will no doubt be his life long customers.

The next day we did what all girls do – go over the night’s happenings over breakfast.  We had bagels and Camille broke a tooth.  Sharon uttered a truism when she said that bread will always do your teeth in.  You never hear of people breaking their teeth on a raw carrot.  It’s always bread.

It took me and Camille until Tuesday to recover.

Donna called me at work on Monday.  She hadn’t seen Susan in 20 yrs, Sharon in a year and Camille in quite awhile yet she did not really talk to them at the benefit or the hotel.  She did not talk to me or her sister either so she called to ask me:  Just what was she doing all night?  Does anybody know?

As Kip informed us, the band is now “On the Road”.  You can find out where they’ll be playing by visiting their website:  You can access their website from this Blog in the Links box. 

Thanks for all the emails.  I even got one from a guy from England who’s in band called “Home” there.

A special thanks to holmefan for your comment. 

And in answer to kmk8376's questions:

1)  Not big.  Not available.

2)  Don't know.

3)  Don't know.  Yes.

4)  It was the 70s, 80s before Aids and before I got old.

5)  I would not pick you as partner in Holme Trivia Contest.

If you haven’t been yet, please come.  I’ll see the rest of you at an upcoming gig.   Please fill me in on any dates I miss.  Love, M.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Retirement Holme - 9/26

Anti-Climatic.  No special guests, no surprises, no new songs, no CD giveaway.

It was the last night for Holme at D’Jais this year.

It rained hard just like the first night they played.

This time I wore black.

There was a buffet from Joe Leone’s in Pt. Pleasant (yum).

Joe Lepis was there sans Sarah.

Marissa was there. 

Patty Spychala & friends were there.  (Patty thought it was very nostalgic and worth the drive).  A special thanks to Patty's friend for this week's entry title.

Joel played and sang barefoot.  He was better than he has been in weeks.

At midnight Susan turned 49.  Alexis Krauss had a birthday too but she was a no show.

Marguerite drank all night for free.  She also left wearing a Holme t-shirt.

Like I said – Anti-Climatic.


A word about Bubba -  I received a very nice email from Bubba’s wife, Nancy.  They were married in Washington Square Park 4 years ago.  They have 2 daughters and live in NJ.  Hopefully they’ll come one night to see the band.   Although not a good one, this is my favorite photo of Bubba.


Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Holme Movies - 9/19

I was going to skip another night of going to see Holme but the last few days were full of interesting little bits of news.

First I received a (blog) comment from someone wondering if I had stopped writing in my journal.  Since I didn’t recognize the signature I became intrigued.  Then I noted that I had 375 blog hits.  The last time I looked I had 282 so I became curious.  Just who is reading this blog besides you?

Then I received an email from a man who knows where Bubba is and can put me in touch with him.  Apparently Bubba is still working for Saturday Night Live.  How about that?  So I had to notify Frank & Kip that I found him and he won’t be interested in working for them.  The man who wrote me also mixed sound for Holme & the band Condor before that.

Next Camille tells me that her niece is Geralyn Guerra’s nanny for her 5 mo. old daughter.  So any hope I had of seeing Geralyn & Phyllis show up one night is now squelched.

So I go, I stay 1½ sets.  There were 400-500 people there which is very impressive now that Belmar has officially told you Summer is over, go home, by making the streets 2 way again.

Again Frank is in a white tee-shirt and everyone else is in black except Tommy who’s in drab olive green.  Please somebody get these guys a stylist.  Frank says he needs to take Kip shopping.  I hope they both go to Barneys like they used to after music lessons in the city.  Wait, is Barneys closed?

Kip had a little laryngitis and said he sounds like Rod Stewart without all of the ex-wives. 

Like I told you previously, the band has packs of Coors beers propping up their speakers.  I look at them and think don’t they know that beer only makes the music sound better if you drink it?  I have noticed on more than one occasion that men are now standing up front on the sides of the stage where the women groupies (me, us, them) once used to.  I wonder if the women are no longer interested.  I also wonder when did men become more annoying than women at shows?  Kip announced this Monday, September 26th is their final night @ D’Jais (other than the night of the benefit show) and that it will be crazy and they’ll be surprises.  I would like my surprise to be that they’ve learned a new song.   This week I suggested to Kip they do Brass in Pocket.  I heard Kip telling someone they are going to try to play weekends locally.  He also told everyone of their website and said I should be their webmaster.  Kathy checks all of the websites and had to resort to calling D’Jais for the skinny on what information is correct.  Holme’s website?  D’Jais website?  KC Productions’ email notification?  Next week I’ll suggest they use D’Jais phone number after the bar closes for the season for people to call to hear a recording of their scheduled dates.  This way Kathy only has to check one place for her info.

One of the boys is in trouble big time.  Unfortunately bad habits die hard.  I hope he pulls himself together.  Which again asks the question where is Puggy DeRosa and his rose colored glasses?  I know where he is and how to get in touch with him I just can’t believe he hasn’t wanted to make an appearance.  I guess his days of tonguing Banderia are gone forever.

Harry gets the award for most improved.  His Pink Cadillac was very strong this week and I learned that his instrument is a blues guitar.  He continues to be very sweet to me.  On break he stopped to chat then went on to talk to a guy who was just released from prison that day.

I remember when TVs in bars were used for cool things like videos, photos, messages.  If the bar has dancing it should not have a TV.  Kathy had her 8mm movies of Holme put on DVD.  There’s 8 minutes of Holme, no sound.  Alot of it is Joel & Billy Coleman but Kip is there, Frank in shirt & tie and Danny in long sleeve baby tee with a rainbow on it.  I suggested Frank loop it and play it over & over on D’Jais TVs during break but does he EVER take my suggestions?  I am still gravely disappointed to see that Sementhead continues to smoke.  His girlfriend Theresa was celebrating her birthday and there was the obligatory “Birthday” song dedicated to her.

By the way, in the short time I was there Joel only sang one song (Jenny). I was very surprised he did not mess it up.  He seemed so out of it, so distracted.

NOTE:  If you were thinking of going to the benefit you only have until the 25th to buy tickets @ $50.  After they’ll be $65.  There will be food & you will get a bag of goodies.  Just think how explosive a room full of artists will be.  They’ll make you feel so normal!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

He's Leaving Holme Bye, Bye - 9/5

Labor Day was a long time ago.  This is what I remember.  Frank Sementa wore a white t-shirt.  Pete, Kip, Joel & Tommy wore black shirts.  Bill wore a very dark brown shirt that looked black.  The black shirts with the red lighting was not flattering.  Kip changed his shirt during a break.  The new shirt was white & rust plaid, cowboy looking and reminded me of that Zepplin song "Hot Dog" they used to do.  I really couldn't tell you if he went from bad to worse.  Joe Lepis was there and we went over the Holme line-up.  Banderia, an original member of the band, left the band 3 times as did Joel.  Harry told me no new songs were learned (a truism for 30 years now).  Kathy suggested they do the Ramones' "Rock & Roll Radio" and maybe something more current like Green Day.  Harry did not seem to know Green Day.  I'm still waiting for "The Breakup Song" by the Greg Kihn Band.  Alexis sang 4 songs - the same old & Gimme Shelter.  There was an announcement that Alexis had just been or was going to be on the Today SHow.  I wish I could answer why & what.   I have come to the conclusion that it is not a small world, Marissa just knows everyone.  She also seems to hate the same songs we do which is a good thing when you want to leave the dance floor.  A wheel chair bound black guy with 2 artifical legs (not 3?) named Ron was persistent throughout the night to get up on stage & sing with the band.  He did to the chagrin of the band & sang Suspious Minds.  It was not the best.  Frank excitedly gave me a blog entry he had in his pocket.  A man named Jack Bogdanski in Oregon has a political blog.  His entry of Aug 27th talked about H-O-L-M-E.  Remember how Kip used to spell the name of the band out at every break?  Anyway, I updated Mr. Bogdanski on the band in a comment on his blog:  Jack Bog's Blog.  Kathy & ran into Sharon the girl Joel did have sex with (not me) and she reminded us that Joel had a thing for armpits.  I think he likes to lick them.  Lastly I won myself a D'Jais sweatshirt!  I filled out a "Holme Email List" postcard and it was drawn by Frank during the giveaway.  Well, I actually filled out numerous cards throughout the night & some I comically filled out.  However, Kathy would probably tell you that I really won the sweatshirt for having breasts and showing them.  The top I was wearing was low cut and gave my breasts definition.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Holme Alone - 8/29

I did not attend this night. 

Friday, September 2, 2005

Holme Strech - 8/22/05

In anticipation of a repeat visit by Bobby Banderia and to ensure a space by the bar, Kathy, Marguerite & I got to D’Jais early and I’m glad we did.  I had almost forgotten that Holme does 2 songs I really like during the 1st set – “Nowhere Man” and “Sister Golden Hair”.  The joint was packed again.

Bendyourearoff did show and it was announced he is now a full time (permanent) member of Bon Jovi’s band.  Hopefully he will still play locally on his down time.

Joe & Sarah Lepis were there and Joe was handing out those wooden nickels with the Holme logo on them.  Sarah said he has boxes of them and I am sure she was happy he was getting rid of them allowing her more space in their home.  I already had my original one laying around in my bedroom at home.  If I remember correctly they were good for a free drink and I think I obtained mine at Joe Pops or The Osprey.  Holme should hold a contest for their fans to bring their most unique Holme memorabilia.  The band and Joe Lepis would decide the winner.

The Holme website is  It is up and running though not to capacity.  I was told by Kip it will be in another week or 2.  Separately both Frank & Kip told me it will have a suggestion box and both stated they were sure I would fill it.   I will add the link to their website on this Blog so that you can go directly there from here. 

Holme is playing Labor Day @ D’Jais.  They are also playing a benefit for The Belmar Art Council.  The benefit is called Beaux Eaux Ball.  It is being held on SATURDAY, October 8th @ D’Jais.  It begins @ 7:30pm.   I do not know the ticket price but I was told admission will include a T-Shirt, free drink & food (and should be tax deductible!).  Please let me know if you are seriously interested in going.  I will book hotel rooms and pick up tickets.

Speaking of art, Joel drew the clown on D’Jais “Circus Night” t-shirt.

Caroline from the Stone Pony announced the band at the beginning of the 2nd set.  She also announced that the Stone Pony was again saved from closure.  I do not like the Stone Pony and was very relieved her announcements did not pertain to Holme playing there.  Sementa told me she has endeavored to secure them and so have a lot of other places like Bar A and the Borgata in A/C.  The Borgata wanted to book them with Uncle Floyd!  I used to love Uncle Floyd (and Ooogie).  There was also mention of their playing with Southside Johnny & The Jukes.  Frank & Kip would like the band to play somewhere up north but it would be hard on Peter because he has a business to run & on Billy because he has a 9-5 job.  Plus they all live down the shore.  I have no clue as to the ideal place for them to play.  All of the best places are gone (like Creations).

I am now on a quest to track down Bubba.  His real name is Robert Selitto (Sellito?).  Please let me know if you remember anything about him that could help me.

The band practices in a local studio every Monday afternoon.

Frank is hopeful Danny will one day show up.  He saw Puggy last week.  Puggy is busy working as a bartender and has 2 small children.

Alexis sand with the band – Just One Look & I Love Rock & Roll and so did Charlie, a D’Jais employee.

Kip told me it was weird seeing his neighbors dancing in front of him.  He also told me they are going to hand out approximately 300 Holme CDs.  The CDs will include 4 bonus tracks – original Holme songs.  He told me that someone downloaded them from him on the Internet which we both thought was a cool thing.

We left during the beginning of the 3rd set

Friday, August 19, 2005

Holme Pregnancy Test - 8/15

What a difference a week makes.  The sound was good and thankfully there was no dance contest.

Bobby Banderia showed and it was one hell of a rock n roll extravaganza!  Kevin Cavanugh was also onstage and shared keyboards with Peter Schuelle.   Guitar line up left to right was:  Joel, Kip, Harry, Bobby, Tommy.   Joel & Bobby should have traded places for the night for a much better eyeball presentation.

When I walked into D’Jais I was taken aback at the number of people there.  It was packed like those wonderful days gone by.  There was no elbow space to be found.  More than 600 people were there – almost all of them in our age bracket!  And what an interesting crowd it was……

Frank’s old girlfriend, Suzie (the airline stewardess) was there.  So was Patrice (yes, Danny’s Patrice) along with Joe Lepis & Bill their old Manager.  Lisa Sherron-Priore what is keeping you?  Need I remind all of you we were the ultimate famous ones?

Q – Could it be true that your past does catch up to you?

Frank Sementa was in his glory.  Trust me when I tell you he spent the night counting the number of women there he had once had sex with and the dollars being rung up in his registers.

Kip seem ecstatic.  He made it a point to tell me Holme now had a website. I do not know its address.  It’s probably not because Joe Lepis asked me if I owned the address.  He thought if anyone did I would.  He told me when he moved out of his father’s house he found 4 old Aquagians.  They must have made some impression for everyone to keep bringing them up.  Kip announced that they will be playing all of the Fall, Winter & Spring until D’Jais reopens next year.  His wife was there and I believe one of his daughters was too.

Alexis, who Joe Lepis has crowned the new Patty Malooney, has added Joan Jett’s “I Love Rock & Roll” to her repertoire.  I like it best of all the songs she does.

By the way, Joe Lepis also told me he had asked about Debbie French at her old place of business.

I received kisses from Frank, Kip & Bobby.  Bobby was warmest to me.  He told me he will likely play with Holme again next week as he does not know where he’ll be after that (he is scheduled to tour Europe shortly).  I did not speak to Joel, Harry or Peter.  I did not encounter them on breaks.  I did not get the impression that Bobby was having the best time of his life.  I think he enjoyed playing and since he was an original member of Holme he probably enjoyed seeing the old crowd but it may have been too much of a reminder of days gone by for him.  Or maybe he was just tired.    

Remember you have only 2 Mondays left to have this experience. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lucy, I'm Holme - 8/8

I am sorry to report I did not make an appearance.  Unfortunately I incurred a temporary loss of hearing last week and still have not recovered.  I do not read lips so there was no point in going this week.

Friday, August 5, 2005

Holme Improvement - 8/1


Break 1 – Boring


However, Joel does my favorite Beatles tune – Drive My Car.

Sound is good if you are in ladies room or outside at snack bar.

We all stuff napkins in our ears.

George from Tropical Pub is there.


Tell him can’t hear vocals and you cannot understand Kip when he talks.  He does not seem to believe me until Frank makes announcement from stage and Joel cannot understand him.  To Joel’s credit he remembers Marguerite was there last week.  Harry asks how do we sound?  Tell Harry TOO LOUD TOO LOUD TOO LOUD TOO LOUD (Harry is sweet).  He does not seem to believe me either until I point out no one is standing or dancing near stage.  Most patrons are standing at back bars.  Then I see light bulb go on over his head. 

No words from Kip, Pete, Billy or once again Frank.

Kathy leaves to go home.

Set 3 – Volume fixed.  Band does Mony, Mony and D’Jais holds dance contest for D’Jais tee shirts & Yankee hats.  Marguerite & I leave after 3rd song.  I am disappointed.   It is turning from cool basement band music that everyone experienced in the 60’s & 70’s (think Cream’s White Room & Norman Greenbaum’s Spirit in the Sky) to unbearable loud music from 40 yrs ago and dance contests.  I mean who are you grooving to nowadays?  Band is still good but if you haven’t been yet you might have missed the good old days.

Photo is of Harry Filkin.



Thursday, August 4, 2005

Ladies Holme Journal - 7/25

I truly apologize about entry delay.    

Photo above is Alexis, Joel's daughter.

Susan R, Kathy K & Frank Santollo’s daughter Marguerite went. Marguerite is 23, wore really short skirt, she looked hot, was good dancer and enjoyed band so much she added herself to the list of regular goers.

I spent entire night trying to keep my boobies inside my low cut top.

I think band and audience have finally decided to just call band Holme.

Dance floor was packed like in old Holme days.

Susan estimated 400 patrons and thought horn player was great addition.

Kathy thought band finally clicked together.

New song was added, Stone’s “Start Me Up”.  Pete Schuelle sang.

Told Harry to add his signature song “Pump Me Up” to songs he sings.  

Joel was sick but showed up and did his best.

Alexis sang Blondie’s “Call Me” and her usual Linda Ronstadt song.

Sementa did not converse.  He was working the room.  He said all of Belmar was there including Chief of Police but not Mayor.  He told audience he went to kindergarten with Harry (true).   

Also, Joel supporters from Clancy’s – a local bar he plays at were there.   One of the guys became dance partner for Susan. 

Kathy now insists to get her drinks from DJ booth bar, in particular from Ashton Kushner look-a- like bartender.  

Marissa & Cathy were no-shows.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Holme Sweet Holme - 7/18

They were still restocking the bar from Camille’s visit when Kathy & I got to D’Jais.
It was Family Night for Holme.  Joel’s daughter, Alexis, Peter Schuelle’s son, Frank Sementa’s mom, Kip’s wife, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Lepis & the Koslow sisters were in attendance.  
Banderia was a no show, but YES, Joe Lepis was in the house!   So his membership in the Holme Fan Club is secure again.
The band started extremely late.  A new guy, Tommy, played horn.  The first set was just lounge music until they played Elvis’ “Suspicious Minds”.  Then the tempo picked up and people got into it.
Alexis sang Linda Rondstadt’s “Just One Look” and later sang on “Gimme Shelter”.  She was great and sang so intensely on GS that when she screamed/sang "Rape! Murder!" you almost expected to see Belmar police bust through the door.
Joel told the audience that Danny Gralick was living in NYC & doing quite well & had threatened to show up one night.  Pete has taken over the keyboard slot quite nicely.  He did the dreaded “Great Balls of Fire” and impressed everyone by playing keyboard with his toes.  I wish he’d pick up more of the type of tunes Danny did like Sweet Jane.  There was talk among the masses the band is stuck in a time warp while their audience wants to hear some current stuff.  This Holme band rocks when they flex their muscles and go outside the box.   These guys are extremely talented and are playing better now then they did 25 yrs. Ago.!
I thought there were approx. 300 people there but Joe Lepis guessed 230.

There were quite a few dancing & Kip go so excited he busted his strap (his guitar strap).  He also got so sweaty he put his shirt in the dryer during break.
Sementa did not speak one word to me.  He did, however, give me a kiss on the cheek.
Joel instituted a “no cha-cha” in front of him rule.

Billy did a great rendition of Roadhouse Blues.
I am starting to wish Cats (with Glen Burtnik) were playing down the block.  

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Holme Is Where My Heart Is - 7/11

Sorry for the entry delay.  I had been on vacation (1 day) with Camille & I just got back.  For the record Camille had 12 beers not including the one she had before we left my house.  That’s ½ case!

Monday night was a blast from the past.  Camille, Susan R, Kathy Koslow & I arrived to a pretty packed house.  The number of people definitely had an effect on the band.  Kip was “woo/oh baby(ing)” a lot.  He also told everyone to dump their beer on the floor like in the old days at D’Jais but nobody did because like Camille said they were 6 for $1 back in the day not $6 apiece.

Joe Lepis was a no show even after I wrote to him on Holme Fan Club stationary reminding him that failure to attend Monday’s meeting would jeopardize his future membership.  Could someone tell me where the hell he is?  According to Kip & Chard Bobby Banderia will be making a guest appearance this coming Mon. so maybe Lepis will show then.  Other no shows were:  D French (no babysitter), Maureen (FL trip), Joyce (works Mon), Geralyn & Phyllis (I sent Geralyn a letter inviting them to join us) & Sharon Clarke.  However, the guys from Kearny were there.

As usual  the band started late.  They did one too many Beatle songs the 1st set & took a break as usual right after Pretty Woman.   I can’t help but think of Puggy in blazer, rose colored glasses & capezios every time I hear that song.  If you remember, Puggy always wore a blazer like he was just out of prep school.  Anyway, Kip told Ca& I Puggy sends him email jokes all the time but no manuscripted emails.  It is believed Puggy has not yet heard about reunion but I disagree as his parents summer 3 blocks up from D’Jais.

The band has a working title of “Almost Holme” but I do not think everyone is comfortable with it.  Billy jokingly suggested they have a name the band contest.  Frank offered “Holme Boys”, Camille suggested “Far From Holme”.

Cam & I called Billy over & she told him her cousin, Kathy Moore, used to see the Intoxicados at the Tropical & that Kathy wanted to know how Bob Furlong was.  Billy told us Bob was working @ NBC in NYC & had recently gotten married.  He also mentioned The Intoxicatos reunite for charity functions. 

Harry did not recognize Camille even though while standing on D’Jais dance floor he had once offered to make her Chicken Marsala back at his house.  It was also incredulous to Frank that Harry did not recognize her.

I told Frank & Joel about this Blog & gave them the address to it.  Frank seemed a little excited about it & told us there was a Holme bumper sticker for sale on ebay. I checked it out.  It is ebay item # 7529317582.  Opening bid is $4.99.  It is being sold by someone in the “gray” area of Central NJ

It was a lucky night for Susan.  They played 2 of her favorite songs (Mustang Sally & Brown Eyed Girl) & did a song by her favorite band Led Zepplin.  She also got us all to dance (after the liquor kicked in).

Frank thanked me for coming every week.  I am wondering if he is trying reverse psychology on me.

I told Joel he once had sex at my house.  His reply was “Not With You”. He then turned to Cam & asked if it was with her.  He hadn’t recognized her either until he saw her mole.  To think she almost had it removed!  He did, however, recognize that she had a wedding ring on her left ring finger.

I am told Peter Schuelle had a conversation with us in which he said he was in a band that would play in one room of a bar while Holme played in the other room.  During his band's break he would go watch Holme play imagine himself playing with them.   He had always wanted to be in Holme (his dream band).  

Camille wore a shirt with the word Italia on it.  People were commenting to her on it.  I told her I am wearing shirt next week with the word Poland on it.

After Susan & Kathy left Kip bought Cam & I drinks.  I told him to sound the alarms as it was the 2nd time in 25 yrs that he did.  He asked us for suggestions for song list & mentioned that they were going to add Tainted Love – which I promptly nixed (you’re welcome).  During the night I requested Switching to Glide (on napkin on speaker naturally).  I think they should add Working for the Weekend & I Think We’re Alone Now.  If you have any suggestions please voice them in comment box & I will see to it they are passed onto Kip.   We told Kip about Cam’s son Jake playing guitar & writing songs.   When Harry came over we told Kip how he had not recognized Cam.   Kip told Harry Camille was famous & how could he not have recognized “Famous Camille”?

We told almost everyone in bar at least once we were on vacation (for 1 day).

Anyway we had such a great time that the bottom of Camille’s heel on shoe came off & she did not notice until next day when she was packing to go home.  We are going to try to arrange another special meeting of the Girls from JC in Aug so start flipping open your calendars.

Note from Kathy K to Camille:  It wasn’t the Tylenol PM that had you sleeping well Mon night.

P.S.  Frank has the prettiest drum set! 

Friday, July 1, 2005

JC Girls to Reunite 7/11/05 to see Holme

Camille is going to see Holme with me July 11th. I got in touch with Debadina French and she is working on getting babysitter so she can go too.  If you are interested: Band starts anytime between 8:00 - 9:00.   They end @ 12:30. We are staying at my house in Belmar & you are welcome to stay too (bring your pillow). I would love it if you could let me know if you are coming ahead of time, however, you can just meet us in D'Jais that night.    Love, M.

Holme Town News - 6/28 Oversight

I inadvertantly left this out of my earlier report...... The band was doing Pretty Woman & Kathy said Holme always took a break after doing it.   Sure enough Kathy was right.   So we're having a conversation with Joel on how long the first set was last night and years ago.  So Kathy reminds him the sets sometimes ran long when the guys could not be found because they were in the parking lot enjoying themselves (with girls) and Joel tells us he always kept his hand in his pocket until he got back on stage and could cover himself with his guitar. I just thought it was worth a mention - warn your daughters!

Holme Town News - 6/28

Kathy Koslow and I arrived fashionably late last night.   The band was in between songs and Joel noted our entrance and said “Oh the Press is here - Michele has arrived”.  He was of course referring to my past reporting for the Aquagian.  

Kathy was dressed appropriately in her white school blouse with her self-embroidered Holme logo (parkway sign) on the back.   2 other girls walked in wearing Holme tee shirts.  One in yellow with Holme name on front with the words “I do the Parkway Boogie” on the back.  The other in a D’Jais tee shirt with Holme wording on back.    At first break Kip & Joel turned their attention to them.  (I'm going to  have to pull out the heavy artillery and dig up old Holme tee shirts and such).   Kathy thought they could be members of the Bubbettes and asked them if they were and we found out that they were D’Jais best bartender & former Kip girlfriend Lisa Sherron’s friends who used to see Holme every night and stand across the bar from us at D’Jais.   Anyway they are just as excited by the reunion as we are.   They too are trying to round up their friends for big night out.  I am sorry to report that Lisa Sherron is currently going through a bad divorce.  Her friends think this is perfect thing to get her out of the house.  I also learned that their friend Patty donated her Holme memorabilia to the

I am also sorry to report that Joel fell off the wagon.  He went on 4 day drinking binge and missed 4 days of work because of it.  

Peter Schulle is the only drinking member of the band and he goes out of his way not to drink in front of the guys.  He also paid us his respects and told us there’s nothing he enjoys more than playing music and he is having good time with the band.

Speaking of bands…. We learned Billy Morris (?) is formally of the Intoxicacados!  Harry said they are now known as the Detoxicacados.  Ha, Ha.   Harry spent a good part of a break talking to us.  He went on the Internet, listened to the Romantics & printed off the words to That’s What I Like About You.  He asked me how it he was from the stage.  It was much improved.

Again no Joe Lepis so Kathy did an actual head count in his absence and confirmed 60 audience members.   Song list changes slightly every week.  Last night they added a new Springsteen song (Dancing in the Dark) and ended with Led Zepplin’s “It’s been a long time since I rock & rolled”.   By the way the do Someday, Somewhere and Jenny.   Other Holme girls inquired about whereabouts of Danny and wanted to know why Bobby hasn’t joined in fun.  Everyone is still awaiting Puggy entrance.

Chard came over and apologized for what he said to me last week – which means I still have the power!  

Frank said nothing whatsoever.   D’Jais License was renewed so he is back to being a sementhead.

Band members ribbed Kip about his shirt.    

We requested Lola.  Audience requested Roadhouse Blues.   No one got what they wanted.

NOTE:   Band will NOT be playing next Monday, 4th of July (to Joel’s dismay).   I would like to spend time off trying to arrange night out for all of us.   If seriously interested please reply with best date for you with back-up date.   Also, please I really need to hunt down Debbie French.   Any ideas?  Current last name?  Employment info?